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Are Frac Sales Leaders Nuts? is happening in 7 days
When Tragedy Comes
Hello everyone, I’ve been absent from the group for the past several weeks. My best friend and beloved husband was killed in a traffic incident on Sunday, August 25 while riding his motorcycle. He had the right of way and a woman driving a U-Haul hit and killed him. She had a stop sign but most likely did not stop and ran through it. I’m not sharing this to garner sympathy but rather to ensure you all consider taking the time to get your affairs in order. We had a trust for our home and a few other things in order but the rest is a bit of a mess. I’m slowly working things though with our trust attorney, financial planner, and soon, an injury attorney. Passwords weren’t very well documented either. He had such a lovely brain but organization wasn’t his strong suit. As for my fledgling business, it has been on hold for the past several weeks and while I was really feeling like I had made progress, I’m glad I didn’t have any current paying clients. It’s given me time to grieve and work through all of these tasks. I will be back soon (a few more weeks) and then I’ll be asking for your help. I’ll be seeking the following projects: build out marketing strategies, ideal client profiles, customer journeys, goal setting, audits (lead magnets, SEO, website/landing pages, etc.) On my website, you can find my services. Some final thoughts…Be sure to tell your loved ones how much you love and care for them. Give them an extra long hug tonight. And add a date on your calendar to get your affairs in order. Your loved ones will thank you. With gratitude, Michelle Silva
New comment 6d ago
Your Fractional Business Tech Stack
I'm curious to understand the Fractional Executive Business Tech Stack that people use and what it's used for. Over the years I've tried countless tools. Below is my 'current stack'. I always tinker with new ones that come to the market. I think it will help us uncover some tools we haven't heard of or can test into. Also, see what is 'efficient' in our business. As a fractional, I want to work less on the admin part of the business and more on serving clients and strategy. Here is my current main Business Tech Stack: - CRM 1. - My All-in-One Business tool (Website, Landing Pages, Forms, Emails, etc.) 2. - Pulls in all of my tools for a Dashboard view (* Disclaimer - This is my SaaS that I built for Solopreneurs) 3. (used for capturing leads/contacts) 4. - exact features of most calendly options only its Free - Marketing 1. - All of my LinkedIn Automation 2. LinkedIn Sales Navigator - To Source Leads - Operations 1. - All my accounting needs 2. - For all contracts 3. - all my payments go through Stripe. Love that it’s easy to setup and most other tools integrate with stripe seamlessly.
New comment 7d ago
Interesting Legal Podcast Targeted to Entrepreneurs
Hi Folks - if you are interested, here is a podcast which focuses on the hurdles and questions that entrepreneurs face. Corinne has a laid-back, informal style, generally 30min episodes. If you dive into the back catalogue, there are good episodes on website legalities, contract design, legal structures etc. While she is based in Canada, the topics have a broad appeal:
QUESTION: How do you structure your time as a Fractional?
Being a successful Fractional requires dedication, discipline, routines, and a process. I'm curious to hear how you structure your time to see success? My weekly "40-hour" approach is: (20/10/10) - 20 hrs - BE THE FRACTIONAL: Fractional Executive Commitments/Clients - 10 hrs - GROW THE BUSINESS: Business Development / New Fractional Networking / Nurturing / Proposals / Invoicing - 10 hrs - EDUCATION: Use this time to upskill and self-education on trends, opportunities, etc. to be a better professional. Curious to hear your week/day?
New comment 10d ago
Productizing Services
Is productizing your services a priority for the other fractionals here? If so, what has been your biggest challenge in the process?
New comment 13d ago
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