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📣 Welcome to Hags FitFluence Society!
Are you ready to embark on a path towards a better you? We're excited to announce the launch of the Hags FitFluence Society, a free community designed to bring together people passionate about fitness.
What Are Your Splits? LMK!
I'm super curious: What does your workout split look like? Do you prefer full-body workouts, or do you split your days by muscle groups? Maybe you're into upper/lower splits, push/pull/legs, or something totally custom! Here's a quick template to get us started: - Workout Split: (e.g., Push/Pull/Legs, Upper/Lower, Full Body, etc.) - Favorite Workout Day: (and why!) - Go-To Exercise: (that one move you love above all others) - Rest Days: (how do you like to recover?) Feel free to add any tips or insights on what's working well for you or any challenges you're currently facing. Remember, this is a supportive space for growth, learning, and encouragement. 🌱 Can't wait to read about your routines and maybe even tweak my own schedule based on your experiences! Let's keep pushing each other to be our best selves. 💖 Regards
New comment Feb 1
What Are Your Splits? LMK!
My 1.5 training progress 💪🏼
I wanted to share my training progress with y’all. Started at 160lbs, and currently I am at 195lbs.
New comment Feb 1
My 1.5 training progress 💪🏼
Training Journey
Hey everyone, This is a tale of resilience, dedication, and the empowering journey from 265 pounds to a, healthy and strong 205(and more progress to drop weight soon). This isn’t just about shedding pounds; it’s about gaining strength, both physically and mentally, and redefining my relationship with my body through weight training and strength-focused workouts. My journey began at 265 pounds, a weight that carried not just physical burden but also a load of self-doubt and health concerns. I knew I needed a change, not just for aesthetics but for my well-being. The decision to transform was less about hitting a number and more about reclaiming control over my body and health. Unlike the typical weight loss story, my focus was unique – strength training. I wasn't running after just a lean body; I wanted to be strong, resilient, and powerful. This approach shifted my focus from the scale to the barbell, measuring progress in terms of strength gains rather than just pounds lost. My routine was simple yet challenging: weight training with a focus on compound movements like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Each session in the gym was about pushing my limits, understanding my body, and respecting its pace. Nutrition played a crucial role too – a balanced diet focusing on fueling my body for recovery and muscle growth. As the pounds shed and the muscles built, the transformation was evident. But more importantly, it was the mental and emotional growth that truly defined my journey. Each day in the gym was a lesson in discipline, patience, and self-appreciation. The physical transformation was just a reflection of the inner strength I had garnered. This journey has been about so much more than weight loss; it's been a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and strength. To those embarking on their fitness journey, remember, it’s not just about the numbers on the scale, but about how you feel, the strength you gain, and the person you become in the process. My main focus was never on having a great looking body, it was always on losing fat % and gaining strength on power movements, I'm not all about physique or endurance training, so I might not look as good as others, but I try my best each and every session, and plan on progressing even more and more. Until I achieve my desired strength level, and desired look.
New comment Feb 1
Training Journey
So.... Felt pretty lazy today, didnt want to do anything at all! We all have those days. You know the ones I'm talking about—when the couch feels extra comfy, your favorite show has just released a new season, and the very thought of exerting any physical effort seems like an insurmountable task. Today was one of those days for me. A quintessential lazy day. Yet, despite the powerful pull of inertia, I found myself lacing up my gym shoes and heading out the door. Here's how I managed to push through the laziness with a dose of discipline and why it's so important. Laziness isn't just a physical state; it's a battle of the mind. It whispers sweet nothings about the comfort of doing nothing, the allure of procrastination, and the seemingly valid reason that "I deserve a break." And while rest is crucial, distinguishing between well-earned relaxation and succumbing to laziness is key. Today, my laziness felt more like a trap than a treat, a barrier to the goals I've set for myself, including maintaining a consistent fitness routine. I won't lie and say it was my most intense workout ever. But it was, without a doubt, one of the most meaningful. Each rep was a victory over the part of me that wanted to quit before I even started. I focused on form, breathing, and the satisfaction of completing each set. The gym was my arena, and today, discipline was my opponent and ally all at once. Just remember, celebrate your small victories, as those are the little battles you win that in the end make your victorious in the war going on in your head!
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Hags FitFluence Society
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