What Are Your Splits? LMK!
I'm super curious: What does your workout split look like?
Do you prefer full-body workouts, or do you split your days by muscle groups? Maybe you're into upper/lower splits, push/pull/legs, or something totally custom!
Here's a quick template to get us started:
  • Workout Split: (e.g., Push/Pull/Legs, Upper/Lower, Full Body, etc.)
  • Favorite Workout Day: (and why!)
  • Go-To Exercise: (that one move you love above all others)
  • Rest Days: (how do you like to recover?)
Feel free to add any tips or insights on what's working well for you or any challenges you're currently facing. Remember, this is a supportive space for growth, learning, and encouragement. 🌱
Can't wait to read about your routines and maybe even tweak my own schedule based on your experiences! Let's keep pushing each other to be our best selves. 💖
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Bohdan Korniychuk
What Are Your Splits? LMK!
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