Hi all 👋
Learning Ivan asked me to introduce myself to the group, so here I am ☺️
I’m a lifelong student of life, making many mistakes along the way and trying to learn and evolve (intended use of that word!)
I have been working in a corporate environment for the past 20 years or so…. Never really “loving it”, never really feeling like I “fit in”….
I’ve felt lonely, isolated, depressed, anxious, suffering from burnout, and also suicidal at various points in my life…. and I have kept on going…. Believing there is something within me that needs to change….
Turns out, I am right!!! I am also totally wrong at the same time…. The thing that needs to change is my own self acceptance and belief, and not that I need to change in order to fit in…..
My Mum passed away a couple of years ago, very unexpected and shocking…. It was after this that I decided to pursue my dream of helping others through therapy…. I have since qualified in RTT (Rapid Transformational Therapy, including hypnosis) and also qualified as a coach….
I now help others to stop people pleasing, improve their self confidence, and start living a life for themselves rather than for others…
Ok, much more I could say, but I’ll stop here and say that I’m looking forward to connecting with anyone who feels like connecting…
I found this group through a Bruce Lipton talk in “The light” in London…. AMAZING!!!! 🤩
Ian Simpson
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