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Focus Flows w/ Lion is happening in 17 hours
Lion is doing breathwork tonight!
Just wanted to bring this to the community's attention - in the calendar tab, you'll notice that @Lion Carew is going to be hosting a breathwork call at 5 pm PST. We'll try to be on the ball and notice you in advance in the feed when we're doing other embodiment/practice calls - let us know if you'll make it
Lion is doing breathwork tonight!
Introduction - Sam
Sam here. I am a combat Army vet (satellite/radio comms) and the surviving spouse of a fallen soldier (suicide), a traveling nomad currently in Mexico, and a jack of many trades (dance fitness, math/English tutoring, programming, and astrology, to name a few) The black sheep in an estranged family and a lone wolf since early childhood, I acknowledge the need and my dislike of it for community. I joined as I know I need support to be the best version of myself and am exhausted of supporting individuals not committed to being their best. Continuing to heal from a multitude of traumas, I embody resilience, empathy, fortitude, perseverance, adaptability, and number of strengths I feel will benefit this community. A child-survivor of sexual assault introduced to porn early, I struggle with sexual cultivation. Having sustained several injuries and dealing with varying degrees of food aversions (oft trauma-related), I struggle with maintaining the mindset, discipline, and momentum needed for proper maintenance of my physical vessel (vs finding value in overextending it). Those in mind, I struggle with the discipline, self-worth, focus, and mindset needed not to betray/to love self. Conditioning includes finding value in things like being overly self-reliant, overworking, doing for others at expense of self. As a manifesting generator, I am having to find value in patience and slowing down.
New comment 20d ago
Classroom materials
Hey men, I have been working through the classroom materials. All great materials. I am applying these principles to my daily life. Also enjoy spending the 2 hours together, I feel the energy, just being together is a great bond.
New comment 22d ago
Welcome intro
Name is Dan, I am a composer and IT manager. I am looking to be part of a brotherhood of like minded men. And form a bond of trust I am here to learn from others. I feel I have been on a long journey to find myself and deeper meanings. I struggle with self discipline, intimacy, and balance of diet and exercise.
New comment 24d ago
Brothers, welcome to Embodied Brotherhood—a sacred space where men like you come together to grow, support, and challenge one another. This is a place where we hold each other accountable, celebrate our victories, and stand strong in the face of our struggles. Here, we walk the path of self-mastery, deepen our connections, and embody the principles of true manhood. WHY WE'RE HERE In this brotherhood, we are committed to showing up not just for ourselves but for each other. We believe that through community, we can achieve the growth, freedom, and responsibility that define us as men. This is a space where you can explore what it means to live fully in your truth, to be the best version of yourself in all areas of life—be it as a leader, lover, friend, or brother. STEP ONE: INTRODUCE YOURSELF: As you begin your journey here, take a moment to introduce yourself to the community: 1. Who Are You? Share a bit about yourself—your background, passions, and anything that feels relevant. 2. Why Are You Here? Tell us why you decided to join Embodied Brotherhood. What drew you to this community? What do you hope to gain from being here? 3. What Will You Bring? Reflect on the strengths, experiences, and perspectives you bring to this brotherhood. How do you see yourself contributing to the growth and success of our collective mission? 4. What are you currently struggling with? A courageously honest share about your weakness or challenges will help hold you accountable, and give you the chance to be seen in solidarity and accountability by your new brothers. Be real about what you’re working on, and we’ll work on it with you STEPS TO GET STARTED: Post Your Introduction: Create a new post with the title "Introduction - [Your Name]" and answer the questions above. - Engage with Others: After posting, take the time to read through other introductions. Comment, connect, and start building relationships from day one. - Commit to Growth: Remember, this is a space for accountability and growth. Commit to showing up fully, both for yourself and for your brothers here. - Check Daily Calls Schedule: Go the the calendar tab to see the daily workblock + embodiment session calls. We recommend joining a call at least once a day if the schedule allows. Some of these calls will be scheduled in advance and will remain as such. Other calls will be posted on the day, giving you an opportunity to jump into a accountability session with either Lion or Anthony. Other members of the community may be hosting work blocks for you
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Embodied Brotherhood
- 🛠️ Daily Focused Work
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- 🔥 Accountability & Purpose
- 💪 Self-Mastery Courses
- 🤝 Brotherhood & Community
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