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Focus Flows w/ Lion is happening in 22 hours
Brothers, welcome to Embodied Brotherhood—a sacred space where men like you come together to grow, support, and challenge one another. This is a place where we hold each other accountable, celebrate our victories, and stand strong in the face of our struggles. Here, we walk the path of self-mastery, deepen our connections, and embody the principles of true manhood. WHY WE'RE HERE In this brotherhood, we are committed to showing up not just for ourselves but for each other. We believe that through community, we can achieve the growth, freedom, and responsibility that define us as men. This is a space where you can explore what it means to live fully in your truth, to be the best version of yourself in all areas of life—be it as a leader, lover, friend, or brother. STEP ONE: INTRODUCE YOURSELF: As you begin your journey here, take a moment to introduce yourself to the community: 1. Who Are You? Share a bit about yourself—your background, passions, and anything that feels relevant. 2. Why Are You Here? Tell us why you decided to join Embodied Brotherhood. What drew you to this community? What do you hope to gain from being here? 3. What Will You Bring? Reflect on the strengths, experiences, and perspectives you bring to this brotherhood. How do you see yourself contributing to the growth and success of our collective mission? 4. What are you currently struggling with? A courageously honest share about your weakness or challenges will help hold you accountable, and give you the chance to be seen in solidarity and accountability by your new brothers. Be real about what you’re working on, and we’ll work on it with you STEPS TO GET STARTED: Post Your Introduction: Create a new post with the title "Introduction - [Your Name]" and answer the questions above. - Engage with Others: After posting, take the time to read through other introductions. Comment, connect, and start building relationships from day one. - Commit to Growth: Remember, this is a space for accountability and growth. Commit to showing up fully, both for yourself and for your brothers here. - Check Daily Calls Schedule: Go the the calendar tab to see the daily workblock + embodiment session calls. We recommend joining a call at least once a day if the schedule allows. Some of these calls will be scheduled in advance and will remain as such. Other calls will be posted on the day, giving you an opportunity to jump into a accountability session with either Lion or Anthony. Other members of the community may be hosting work blocks for you
Upcoming Calls!
Brothers, I am excited to announce that I will be adding 2 calls every month to our existing x5 Focus Flow Sessions. Please check the "Calendar" tab to see when these sessions will be. 1. A guided Breathwork Journey 2. Sex & Relationships Mastermind For the breathwork session, I will be guiding you through a full 60 minute journey of various breathing techniques, a guided meditation, and then time to share and integrate at the end. Breathwork offers many benefits in many different layers of who and what you are ⬇️ 💪 Physical Benefits: 1. Increased Oxygenation: Boosts oxygen levels in the bloodstream, promoting better cellular function and energy production. 2. Detoxification: Facilitates the release of carbon dioxide and toxins from the body, aiding in physical detox. 3. Enhanced Lung Capacity: Improves respiratory function by training the lungs to take deeper and more efficient breaths. 4. Regulation of Nervous System: Activates the parasympathetic nervous system, helping to lower stress and decrease the fight-or-flight response. 5. Improved Circulation: Enhances blood flow, improving cardiovascular health and circulation to extremities. 6. Stress Relief: Reduces muscle tension and lowers cortisol levels, helping the body to relax. 7. Strengthened Immune System: Supports immune function by promoting lymphatic drainage and stimulating immune responses. 🧠 Mental Benefits: 1. Mental Clarity: Clears mental fog by bringing fresh oxygen to the brain, improving focus and cognitive function. 2. Enhanced Creativity: Opens up creative thinking by allowing the mind to enter altered, expansive states of consciousness. 3. Increased Focus: Encourages mindfulness and presence, allowing for better concentration and productivity post-session. 4. Breakthrough Insights: Facilitates access to the subconscious mind, often leading to epiphanies or insights into challenges or decisions. 5. Emotional Regulation: Helps regulate emotional states by calming the mind and decreasing overactive thought patterns.
Lion is doing breathwork tonight!
Just wanted to bring this to the community's attention - in the calendar tab, you'll notice that @Lion Carew is going to be hosting a breathwork call at 5 pm PST. We'll try to be on the ball and notice you in advance in the feed when we're doing other embodiment/practice calls - let us know if you'll make it
Lion is doing breathwork tonight!
How to KNOW YOURSELF as a Man
Episode 2 of the Showing Up Podcast with @Lion Carew and I is now out; You can check it out here; "In Episode 2 of SHOWING UP, we take a deep dive into the heart of one of the biggest struggles men face today—feeling adrift, unsure of who they truly are or what they’re meant to do. Many men are stuck in a cycle of living for others—waffling on their values, constantly influenced by the opinions of the world around them. They lose themselves in distractions, unable to set boundaries in relationships or take control of their own direction in life. But the real problem? They don’t know how to define who they are, or how to chart a course toward a life with purpose and meaning. This episode isn’t just a conversation about the problem. It’s about the how. How do you uncover your true sense of self? How do you define your own purpose, independent of what others expect of you? And most importantly, how do you anchor into that so deeply that you become your own compass, always pointing toward the "True North of Your Own Soul"? Knowing yourself means living with direction, clarity, and confidence. When you’re anchored in who you are, no distraction or external influence can knock you off course. This episode offers the insights and practices you need to start living more intentionally, with a purpose that fuels everything you do." If you'd prefer to listen on Spotify:
How to KNOW YOURSELF as a Man
Informing - Embodiment Calls
Good day, brothers! I want ti inform you that I am away most of September on a road trip with my partner, visiting my father, and co-facilitating at a men’s retreat at the end of the month. I will still be attending some Focus Flow calls. I am sending you this update to inform you that I will be commencing embodiment calls when I return in October 🙏🏼 In the meantime, I would highly recommend you check out my YouTube page for some guided practices.
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Embodied Brotherhood
- 🛠️ Daily Focused Work
- 🧘‍♂️ Meditation & Embodiment
- 🔥 Accountability & Purpose
- 💪 Self-Mastery Courses
- 🤝 Brotherhood & Community
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