⚫️ BASICS; The Difference Between Fitting In and Belonging
The main difference between feeling like you belong and just fitting in is all about the unique qualities of each experience and how they affect how we see ourselves and connect with others.
Fitting in means adjusting to a group's expectations and norms. It's about blending in, even if it means hiding parts of yourself to match the group's standards.
When you try to fit in, you might change how you act, your opinions, or even your appearance to be accepted. It's all about seeking validation from others and going along with the group, even if it means not being true to yourself. Fitting in might make you feel like you belong temporarily, but it often comes with the feeling of pretending to be someone you're not.
Belonging, on the other hand, is a more profound, more authentic experience. It occurs when you feel accepted and valued for who you are without needing to change or hide parts of yourself. Belonging is rooted in a sense of connection where you are embraced for your uniqueness, and your true self is recognized and appreciated by others. It's a feeling of being at home, not because you've adapted to fit a specific mold, but because you are accepted as you are. Belonging fosters genuine relationships, self-acceptance, and inner peace, as it's based on mutual respect and understanding.
  • Authenticity vs. Conformity: Belonging is about authenticity while fitting in often requires conformity.
  • Self-Expression vs. Self-Suppression: In belonging, you can express your true self; in fitting in, you may need to suppress it.
  • External vs. Internal Validation: Fitting in seeks external validation, whereas belonging is about internal acceptance.
  • Temporary vs. Lasting Connection: Fitting in can provide temporary security, but belonging offers lasting and meaningful connections.
It's like this: trying to fit in means living up to other people's expectations, while belonging is all about being accepted for who you are. Belonging can lead to stronger and more satisfying connections while fitting in might make you feel isolated and disconnected from your true self.
Being yourself is tough because you risk being an outcast, maybe even getting shunned. On the flip side, you'll feel unseen or misunderstood if you're not true to yourself.
One quote from Dr. Carl Jung that captures the feeling of being unseen or misunderstood is:
"Loneliness does not come from having no people around you, but from being unable to communicate the things that seem important to you."
This quote shows that Jung believed real loneliness doesn't come from being alone but from the hurt of feeling like no one sees, hears, or understands you when you're being your true self and expressing your deepest thoughts. I have lived this way and agree 1000% with Jung on this.
Overcoming the kind of loneliness that stems from feeling unseen and unheard—what Thoreau famously described as "quiet desperation"—involves a journey of self-discovery, authentic connection, and embracing vulnerability.
Here are some steps that can help:
-- Self-Awareness and Acceptance
First, figure out what you really want from your relationships and life. What parts of yourself do you want to show? What feelings or desires have you been holding back?
Fully accept yourself, including your imperfections, wants, and fears. When you stop hiding from yourself, you can start being your authentic self around others.
-- Cultivate Authentic Relationships
I know this is not easy, but be intentional and try to keep good people around you who accept you for who you are, not who they want you to be. Look for relationships where you can freely share your thoughts and feelings without stressing about being judged. Being open about your experiences, emotions, and challenges dramatically changes things. It might feel weird, but vulnerability is the key to building real connections because it lets others see and understand the real you.
-- Practice Effective Communication
Another difficult one—hell, they are difficult but worth it—is trying to put your thoughts and feelings into words. When you express yourself well, people are more likely to get you. Have honest conversations where you really listen. Listening is the way to converse effectively. Understanding others helps build relationships where everyone feels important.
-- Engage in Self-Compassion and Inner Work
As Jung would suggest, explore the parts of yourself that you've kept hidden, the aspects you've disowned because they were deemed unacceptable by others or yourself. Explore the parts of yourself that you've kept hidden, the aspects you've pushed away because you thought they weren't okay. Embracing these aspects can help you accept yourself more and reduce the feeling of being isolated
Try out practices that help you connect with your inner self. Meditating, writing in a journal, or spending time in nature can help you understand your needs and feelings, eventually leading to inner peace.
-- Pursue Meaningful Activities
Super obvious, but it's super essential; Do things that make you happy and feel fulfilled, like being creative, helping others, or following your interests. Having a sense of purpose can counter feelings of emptiness and give you something meaningful to share with others. Being part of communities or groups with similar interests can help you meet people who get and appreciate what you're passionate about.
-- Seek Professional Support
If you've been feeling lonely for a long time, it can be really helpful to talk to a therapist. They can help you understand your feelings, figure out what's really going on, and come up with ways to build stronger connections with others. There are a few good counselors in this community, and if you need to identify someone who would be a good fit, just reach out to me.
It's not just about hanging out with people to beat loneliness.
It's about being true to yourself, connecting with others, and building a life that feels like you.
It's an arduous journey but worth it for a more fulfilling and connected life.
Randy Hyden
⚫️ BASICS; The Difference Between Fitting In and Belonging
Easier Ways
End trying to be perfect all the time, constantly wanting to please others, overanalyzing things, and dealing with a harsh inner critic.
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