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DMARC and Google Workspace
Hey Doug and all. I read the note on DMARC and not sure if it applies to my situation. I have an email address via GoDaddy domain in use via Google Workspace. Not sure if DMARC or Apple Business will work for me. Any suggestions on what I could do?Or if I need to?
New comment Nov '24
do you opt in to CK's creator network and have them post recommendations for other newsletters after someone signs up? What are your thoughts on this and your experience if you do leverage this feature? I've never done so as it seems to potentially divert people away from your flow, and also potentially recommend email lists that don't fully align with your own?
New comment Nov '24
Using Clearout for validation
I picked up Clearout a few years ago on appsumo with the expectation that they would integrate with convertkit - its been on the coming soon list on their website for close to 5 years. lol. I can upload and do a clean up, but really need it to do the clean as the emails come in. do you have your set up automated
New comment Nov '24
DMARC and apple
Im getting a "DMARC verification failed. Remove and enter a new domain or email" for my emails when i try to set up apple biz as per your recent vid. I know you're not the troubleshooter Doug, but if you do know what I would need to do I'd love any direction you can offer. I have both domains ( and mapped to Google Workspace for regular email use, so they are managed through gmail, and boith are also used for my sending addresses in Convertkit (both are verified and the relevant TXT files added to DNS records in 10web where I host the domain websites). Im not a big techhead so if this explanation is gobbledegook please forgive me.
New comment Nov '24
Questions? ... For me?
If you have any questions about email marketing growth, or about my courses and coaching, ask in the 'Ask Doug' channel and I’ll record a video to answer your question for you and share it with the community! 🎉
New comment Nov '24
Questions? ... For me?
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