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Coaching Session 7/17/24
# Stop Wasting Your Precious Life Group Coaching Session Summary Featuring @Brandon L and @Daniel Tabakman ## Techniques Covered: 1. **Conscious Complaining**: A method to access and express deeper emotions 2. **The "Oreo Technique"**: An approach to reconnect with core motivations behind goals 3. **Layered Questioning**: Repeatedly asking "because I want..." to uncover deeper desires 4. **Emotional Awareness and Expression**: Allowing oneself to feel and process emotions fully ## Who Would Benefit from Watching This Specific Session: 1. **Individuals struggling with feelings of hopelessness or fear of trying**: - Brandon 's segment demonstrates techniques for exploring and processing these emotions. 2. **People who feel blocked or resistant to taking action on their projects**: - Daniel's coaching shows how to uncover and address underlying reasons for procrastination. 3. **Those who find themselves disconnected from their initial motivations for pursuing goals**: - The session demonstrates how to reconnect with core desires using the "Oreo Technique" and layered questioning. 4. **Entrepreneurs or project leaders having difficulty launching initiatives**: - Daniel's coaching on his peer support group provides insights for overcoming launch hesitation. 5. **Individuals who struggle to access or express their emotions**: - Brandon's segment showcases the conscious complaining technique as a tool for emotional exploration. 6. **People who tend to approach goals from a "should" perspective rather than genuine desire**: - The session demonstrates how to shift from obligation-driven to desire-driven motivation. 7. **Those interested in seeing practical applications of emotional awareness in goal-setting**: - Both segments show how connecting with emotions can clarify decision-making and motivation. 8. **Individuals considering joining a supportive community for personal growth**: - The session provides a glimpse into the coaching style and community dynamics of the "Stop Wasting Your Precious Life" program.
Coaching Session 7/17/24
Coaching Session 6/19/24
[00:00:00] Introduction and Initial Setup Trinley: Sorry, we didn't get yours, Jane. Um, all right, Brandon. Um, are you, are you in a place where you can use the video? It would be helpful if you can. Um, yeah, probably. Great. Hi, my friend. Uh, what's going on? Um, @Brandon L : yeah, so I feel like. [00:00:48] Brandon's Struggles and Background Brandon: So my stuckness. Is my whole life and, um, yeah, my life kind of like fell apart, um, and I moved back in with my parents and I haven't been able to motivate myself to get a new job pretty much at all. Or just make any progress in any capacity. That's Trinley: basically where I'm at. I'm sorry to hear that, my friend. Are you comfortable sharing it all? You said your life fell apart. Are you comfortable sharing any specifics of that? If not, that's fine. Brandon: I mean, it's not really, this may be being dramatic. Um, just, uh, I had a long, um, like six year relationship that ended, um, and, um, I had to move away very quickly. And, uh, um, and before that I had quit my job because I was trying to figure out a way to be happy. And, um, yeah, Trinley: yeah. Brandon: Now I need a job again. And, uh, I just feel like kind of depressed about everything. Trinley: I've been there. I've definitely been there. Um, getting out of a long term relationship, ending my job. Not knowing what to do. Um, [00:02:58] Exploring Emotions and Feelings Trinley: what are you feeling about your relationship right now in this moment? Brandon: My relationship? Um, uh, when I think of it, I feel oscillation. Trinley: What do you feel Brandon: about Trinley: it? Yeah, not necessarily what are you thinking about it, but what are you feeling about it? Brandon: When I summon the relationship, I feel sad. Um, I feel like there's no going back, but you know, I still miss it, you know, Trinley: feels, Brandon: I mean, you know, at this point it's been like eight months. Trinley: I'm just taking notes over here, by the way. I'm not doing random things on my computer. No problem.
Coaching Session 6/19/24
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Don't Waste Your Precious Life
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