I wanted to be able to get the domain for this group...but Food and Freedom was already taken. Well...I could've gotten it, but it would've cost about $1,000, and I wasn't paying that.
I thought about just leaving it and dealing with it, but nah...I wanted that domain. So I took to ChatGPT to brainstorm some ideas as well as just letting my creative brain flow while I sipped my dark roast coffee from my extra large coffee cup.
I basically wanted to say Food and Freedom without saying it. I thought about "Beyond the Table" but those domains were like $3,000.
"Infoodity and Beyond" was another fun one I came up with, but decided against that as it was a bit too abstract.
Then I remembered back to the house I grew up in. We had this 5 foot tall dinner bell that you could rock back and forth atop this tall wooden pedestal and it would clang loud enough to hear all the way down the road to our neighbors house.
I always loved that dinner bell. But I didn't just love it. I love what it stood for. It stood for me being a kid playing outside with my friends and brothers. It stood for my mom working in the kitchen to put together a homemade meal with real food, not McDonald's slopped down on a paper plate. It stood for our family gathered around our dinner table, hanging out, talking, no cell phones, no tv...just each other and our love for one another.
Those...are The Dinner Bell Days. And that's what I hope to bring to my family, and I want to help you bring to yours.