My Why
I’m sandwiched in between generations. My mom will be 90 years young later this month. My two kids are married and out on their own. In each generation, I have come to recognize metabolic health issues thanks to the amazing ability of Dr. Boz to teach in layman’s terms.
My mom was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease a couple of years ago. Standard of care has a pill for that. She was told recently that her cholesterol is too high. Standard of care has a pill for that.
My son (and his wife) and daughter (and her husband) are trying to manage their obesity with the “calories in, calories out” mantra: none of them are having success. In fact, my daughter believes that her weight gain is due to a “broken” thyroid as she eats so little. She’s on a self-fulfilling mission to find a doctor who will prescribe medication. (She’s a tough cookie. She’s a medic and standard of care is in her job description.)
My son has two children and I see the pattern of metabolic health issues starting to appear. My 10 year old granddaughter is showing signs of weight gain and acne. My grandson is almost 4 and cute as a button.
So this brings me back to me. I have contributed to the eating habits in their lives. I did not know any better then. But now I do so I want to do better. Lecturing or sharing books and videos have been ineffective – actually, outright rejected. I am looking to do a better job in walking the talk.
My why is steeped in acceptance. I want to understand as much as possible of the inner workings of my body so I can heal. I am overweight (flirting with obesity). I am dealing with frequent ankle swelling, with some nerve damage from an injury, with mild headaches periodically (annoying buggers!), with sleep challenges, and with a brain that seem to stall with the throbber (that spinning wheel on computers) just circling.
You can’t give of yourself what you do not have. I want the best health I can have to live the best life I can live. And then pass it on to my family. I know this could work as my husband has been watching over my shoulder. He has lost weight and finds that he feels better overall.
My best day was my wedding day as it united me with my husband to go through life together. I’m so happy that he’s supporting me and actually doing this with me in his own way. And my worst day was the day my father died. What I know now could have helped him be on this earth longer. Oh, the conversations we could have had now that I am older and wiser. And it would have been amazing to have the two most important men in my life meet.
Sophie Park
My Why
Deborah's Victory Team (DVT)
I love sharing my faith and story of recovery. How I live: first, I learn it, then I do it, then I teach it! With God all things are possible!
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