Write something
Protect your heart and mind and your creative Reserve
I saw a completely irresponsible and nuance-free post on Facebook today, put there by somebody who should know better. I felt utterly disappointed, and then of course I had to see what was going on in the comments. Even more disappointment, stress, and eye rolls. And then I remembered there was a fork in the road back there where I could have chosen to use my energy in a different way, (get out my journal instead of my phone for example), or decide what I let through the gates. I want to be more conscious of that moving forward and ask myself how I can do what is really interesting to me and how I can share something beautiful today. Close the door and lock it and put on some music and see what's there today that you can share. There's just too much bullshit flying around -- no reason I need to stick my nose out and inhale deeply.
New comment 4d ago
Every lesson at the conservatory, I ask students at the beginning to review the day so far -- what actions have been satisfying and which ones would they like to change course on? The satisfying thing that came up for me this week was that I was taking my time with the teaching flow and not rushing to cram info into the lesson. Felt good. And I noticed the other places in my life where I want to hurry, wondering what would happen if I slowed down. Hurrying feels like I don't trust things to work out that there's not enough TIME to do ALL the things I think I'm SUPPOSED to do. Slowing down a little has helped me see that on that list of 47 things I think I should achieve, maybe 3 sweetly harmonize with the season I'm in. I invite you to join me in slowing down today and notice what can come through when hurry isn't cementing over things. Now Thursday, I legit had to power walk to Back Bay station. I was not gonna miss the express πŸš‚.
Yoga in a mess
This morning I did a 15 minute yoga flow on my nutrition app -- it was terrific. There were plush toys all over the living room floor, and I didn't have the yoga mat, so my brain was like "you don't have a minimalist studio with a plant in the corner, how are you going to do yoga??" I did it on the living room rug, slipping out of down dog a few times and falling out of whatever that arms out leg up tilt forward pose is -- it was great to move and stretch my body. I'll be back tomorrow. What imaginary excuses are you throwing in your way? Leave the plush toys in the floor and practice your stuff. You'll be proud of you
New comment 15d ago
Your goals or people?
I heard a successful business guy say on a Q&A recently that he loved his goals more than he loved his wife -- "if she said 'it's me or your goals,' I'd pick my goals." Now, I think the hypothetical ultimatum sets up an unhelpful context; this guy's wife isn't saying that to him and supports his goals. But that statement hurt my guts. My brain was like, "Well, he's clear on his priorities." But my guts clenched up when I heard it. Then I was super cranky with our 5-year-old when he interrupted me when I was trying to write this morning. I was like, I want my people to be the most important thing, but damn you're frustrating my writing goal this morning. Of course, it's not such an either-or situation; your people can support your goals, and your goals can support your people. But I did think -- what if all the structures we depend on to build our goals were gone? It'd be clear who I'd want to have invested in. When I'm on my deathbed, I'm not going to say, "Please look up my diary entry from the day I finally monetized my YouTube channel. And then flip over to when I got promoted to associate professor." Your people are more important whether you love your goals more or not.
New comment Aug 8
Sunday funnnies
Sunday morning share.... be like Judy!
New comment Jul 30
Sunday funnnies
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Dan Callaway Studio
I help music theatre performers sing great, be confident, and get to work with clear, simple, and wholehearted tools. πŸ’™πŸ”₯
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