Yoga in a mess
This morning I did a 15 minute yoga flow on my nutrition app -- it was terrific. There were plush toys all over the living room floor, and I didn't have the yoga mat, so my brain was like "you don't have a minimalist studio with a plant in the corner, how are you going to do yoga??" I did it on the living room rug, slipping out of down dog a few times and falling out of whatever that arms out leg up tilt forward pose is -- it was great to move and stretch my body. I'll be back tomorrow. What imaginary excuses are you throwing in your way? Leave the plush toys in the floor and practice your stuff. You'll be proud of you
Dan Callaway
Yoga in a mess
Dan Callaway Studio
I help music theatre performers sing great, be confident, and get to work with clear, simple, and wholehearted tools. 💙🔥
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