A Simple Email Hack 💻
This Friday, I’ll be doing a live demo on how I craft effective emails for my clients. Go to the Calendar tab and add the event to your calendar 🔥
Here’s some pre-game knowledge for you to mull over before the call 👇
A client of mine had really low engagement on her previous two emails that I wrote for her.
We brainstormed a way to boost her engagement and this is what we came up with…
In her next email, she would have a subscriber-only promotion 🏆
The weeks leading up to the email, she promote the heck out of her newsletter on all her social channels.
The result?
53% open rate
7.4% click rate
Both are her HIGHEST stats so far!!!
So remember, your emails will have a higher likelihood of being read if you’re promoting them and providing an inventive for your readers to read them!
Jared Orr
A Simple Email Hack 💻
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