May 19 (edited) in General
There are very few things you actually need to do to make money...
But because you haven't emptied your mind like Bruce Lee says to do...
You're confused.
And not doing ANY of these things.
So here's a simple 3 part checklist of the only things you need to do to start making good money:
1) Post content.
Written or video - ideally both.
Content about what? Anything that solves a problem... Just pick a problem & then solve it.
And if you're serious about making money, and you want to get really good at the video content game, this is a "Must Watch".
Shows how to get thousands of views with just 10-20 min of prep per video.
2) Have conversations.
Have conversations with people who engage with your content.
If you've ever DM'd me or spoken to me or someone on my team on the phone, you know how natural/simple these convos can be.
Nothing complicated.
Just a simple flow.
If the person you speak with on the phone is a good fit, they can become your client.
3) Get your clients results.
Do everything in your power to get your clients results as if they were your children.
Yesterday for example I worked with Kai to help him make over $7,000 in MRR with a 1 hour webinar presentation.
And this month my client is crushing the Skool games leaderboards and will likely get to go hang out with Alex Hormozi as a result.
And last month my clients and won the Skool games.
My team & I have endless success stories like this because we only work with clients we KNOW we can get results for, and what we teach actually works.
Bottom line is: If you combine a great offer with these 3 things (posting content, having convos, working with clients) and you keep sh*t simple, you're going to crush it.
Quit making biz harder than it needs to be.
Post the content. Have the convos. Get your clients results.
Don't wanna do all of this alone?
Me neither!
#NEVERWORKALONE is a mantra of mine that I repeat every time I'm procrastinating.
I actually hate working alone and prefer doing everything with my team or with a mentor/coach by my side.
I'm not a lone wolf at all - I'm 100% a team player (grew up playing soccer from ages 0-18).
And I know a lot people are this way, too...
Which is why I created a mastermind.
If you work well in groups and you're a team player...
Consider joining my private mastermind where we work together IN PERSON every month + work together on Zoom every week.
Just DM me the word: "FAMILY" for more info on that.
Otherwise, just go on and get your work done with someone on there.
Alright, that's it for this rant.
See you 😘
Ted Carr
There are very few things you actually need to do to make money... (FREE)
A cooperative multiplayer game where players collaborate to start and grow an online business to $5,000/month or more using Skool.
Leaderboard (30-day)
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