8d ago (edited) in General
Starting a New YouTube Channel? Tips from 7-Figure YouTubers
One common mistake we see time and again that leads to the following...
Halts your YouTube dreams...
Makes YouTube seem harder than it is...
Makes you think your channel idea isn't good enough...
Makes you question, "Why does everyone else succeed while I struggle?"
Wastes your precious time...
Potentially wastes your money
Demoralizes you from starting again...
Wondering what that ONE thing is?
We see this over and over again. You start your channel with great excitement and a life-changing idea. You upload a few videos, then get "too busy" and don't upload for a month or two. You upload another video, but by then, your channel's momentum has died.
This scenario is so familiar, and trust us, we understand. We've been there with some of our channels, and guess what? 9 out of 10 times, they never succeeded and we had to start again.
Some things WE do to help avoid this situation:
  • Keep The Upload Schedule Manageable 💪
If you can't commit to at least one video per week for a year, you might not be ready to start your channel. Think of it like a new job—you wouldn't ask for a 2-month vacation right away and expect things to go well. That's not to say you need to dedicate your entire life to your channel, but you need to keep the momentum going, and the best way to do that is to upload at least once per week.
  • Prepare Content in Advance 📦
It't not usually a good idea to launch without a buffer. We always have at least 5 videos (5 weeks) worth of content ready to go before we start a new channel. This way, if life happens and you miss a week or two, you're still covered. It's like having a safety net that keeps your channel alive and kicking, because not uploading for a few weeks at a time is both demoralising to you and detrimental to your channel getting picked up.
  • Set Realistic Goals 🎯
Don't overcommit. Start with what you can manage. Some people come blasting out of the gate with an ambitious upload shedule, 2 long format a week, plus a 3 daily shorts... Unless you have no 9-5, zero other commitments, or money to pay freelance workers to help out, this is just not sustainable long term for 99% of people. You also don't need an insane upload schedule in order to succeed. Ideally, one long format video per week is all you need to test your channel concept over a 6-12 month period.
That's 26-52 videos for a whole year, doesn't that sound much more attainable? 😄
  • Keep GOING 📈
When you do something over and over, guess what? You get better and quicker at doing it. In your first few months of being a content creator, you might spend 10+ hours per video, overtime you get more proficiant with your software and learn short cuts, now it only take you 6+ hours. BUT you only get here their from experience and boots on the ground!
  • Exchange money for time 💰
Hire a freelance team to do it all for you and spend less than 1 hour a week on your channel (more on this another time) 😃
You got this! 🎬✨
Jay Gee
Starting a New YouTube Channel? Tips from 7-Figure YouTubers
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