Small wins lead to large victories.
The more consistent we can be, the more discipline we create.
Discipline carried over a long enough time horizon,
Becomes a motivational force capable of pulling us through any adversity.
Focus on small wins,
Keep creating these small wins every single day.
Over time you will see these small wins compound and multiply your successes.
The more little successes you curate for yourself,
The closer you get to that big W.
The closer you get to that big win, the more challenges you will face.
So you have the opportunity to create more small wins for yourself,
More problems solved,
More people served.
More people served,
More opportunities for growth.
More growth, more problems.
More problems, more wins.
And your successes keep stacking,
Keep building,
Keep compounding.
Until one day you look around and wonder,
How did I get here?
How did I achieve everything I told myself I would and more?
How did it all work out?
Because you put in the work, each and every day, to get those small wins.
And you kept stacking those small wins.
Each and every day.
Until you've created a staircase to success.
Until you've bridged the gap between you and the impossible.
Here's another day,
What are you doing now,
To create those small wins that build your staircase to success?