20h ago (edited) in General
Posting tiktoks, reels and shorts? STOP!
Stop posting short form content and expecting high ticket clients.
High ticket clients don't buy from short form content.
Short form vids are great for testing the waters to see if you get good engagement. If you do, turn that idea into long form video.
Short form also nurtures and reminds high ticket prospects that you're awesome but...
They don't convert.
If you want to make high ticket sales ASAP, focus on posting long form YouTubes, 1-2x per week, every week.
Killer title
Killer thumbnail
Killer intro
Killer tips
Killer CTA
Then use our killer DM scripts to book calls and close deals.
If you want me to post an in depth training on this, comment below with a "YES" and I'll whip something up for you.
Ted Carr
Posting tiktoks, reels and shorts? STOP!
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