Sep '23 in General
Not sure what to offer? Read this 6 times.
Not having an irresistible offer is probably causing 90% of your 'money making' problems.
I run 2 (very similar) coaching programs.
One is called Contentpreneurs & the other one is called Business in a Weekend.
Contentpreneurs provides group coaching whereas Business in a Weekend provides 1 on 1 coaching.
Both help content creators launch & scale profitable online businesses from their phones & laptops.
The end result for each program is to have the client making at least $10,000/month with their own online course or coaching program.
But the biggest struggle I see my clients facing is in not knowing what to offer because they don't know what the END RESULT for their client is going to be.
The END RESULT should not be (although often is) confused with the PROCESS required to achieve a desired result.
Turns out, nobody wants to buy a process, they want to buy an end result.
Proof: Do you care more about the special diet plan (process) or the sexy body (end result) that you're going to get from a coaching program?
The way I usually solve this “end result” problem with my clients is by getting on a 1:1 Zoom call with them and helping them brainstorm an awesome offer/end result that I know will sell really well + feels authentic for them.
But since I can’t do 1:1 Zoom calls with everyone…
My goal with this post is to be able to solve this ‘Offer/End Result Issue’ once and for all, for everyone - even you!
To do that, we need to get you clear on THE END RESULT that your customer wants, and is willing to pay you for.
So let’s start by laying the groundwork with 2 undeniable facts.
1 fact about business & 1 fact about human nature:
First fact: The primary goal of any business is getting money from the customers pockets, into the business’ pockets.
Sure, there are other goals, but without this primary goal, the business dies.
Sales = Life Blood.
Second fact: Human nature shows us that customers will happily put their money into a business if the business can help them solve a problem.
Because every humans has what’s called ‘Human Needs’.
And humans buy things that meet their needs, and will always continue to buy (or will at least want to have) things that meet their human needs.
Now look: There is a finite amount of human needs.
Meaning, the list of options to choose from is NOT endless.
But the good news is: If you have a business that helps just ONE person meet a real human need, you will never run out of interested customers.
Let me say that again… because MOST beginners are struggling to get even ONE person interested in buying their stuff…
If you have a business that helps just ONE person meet a real human need, you will never run out of interested customers!!!
Now, let’s take a look at the 8 core human needs, and see which ones can be met with an online program.
Core Human Needs:
  1. The Need for Air
  2. The Need for Water
  3. The Need for Food
  4. The Need for Shelter
  5. The Need for Sleep
  6. The Need for Sex & Beauty
  7. The Need for Love & Connection
  8. The Need for Freedom & Security
But here's the big secret you need to know (and accept!) if you want to make the big bucks online:
There are only 4 end results people are willing to pay BIG MONEY for online.
And by BIG MONEY I mean $2,000+ per purchase.
Only 4 end results.
Not 100.
Not 6.
Not 5.
Just 4.
I call them "The Big 4."
Here they are:
1) Beauty (typically involves helping people lose weight, clear their skin, detox their bodies)
2) Love & Belonging (typically involves helping people fix their marriage or find their soulmate, get dates, have better orgasms, etc.)
3) Chronic Pain Relief (Typically involves eliminating chronic pain like back or neck pain or eliminating athletic performance issues like runners knee.)
4) Financial Freedom & Security (typically involves helping people make or save money by making more sales, better investments, starting a business, growing a business etc.)
Bottom line: Anyone who’s making a killing online is either selling a high ticket course/coaching program in one of these above 4 areas OR they have a huge following/audience and are selling low ticket products to the masses.
So if you’re like me (a mere mortal) and you have a small audience, you need to sell high ticket if you want to turn this into a well paying career…
Here’s why high ticket is so awesome: Let’s say your goal is to make $100,000/year.
To hit that goal, would you rather try and sell 10,000 copies of a $10 ebook that most people won’t even open OR….
Would you rather sell 100 copies of a high quality, 5 star rated, $1,000 course/coaching program that changes people’s lives for the better and makes you feel good about delivering?
Hint (+ Mathematical Fact): It’s 10x EASIER to find just 100 people who want to buy a life changing $1,000 program than it is to find 10,000 people to spend $10 on a flimsy ebook.
Check out my stats in the photo attached on this post…
When I made my first million dollars online, my average sale amount was $732 and I only needed less than 1,700 people to say “YES! I want to change my life for the better!”
Looking back, it’s clear to me that there’s NO WAY I could have made that much money if I was selling $10 ebooks… And believe me… I tried!
My first few months with my online business was me trying to get rich with ebooks… Didn’t happen.
If you’re a mere mortal like me with a relatively small audience, offering a high ticket program is not just the best way to make a lot of money online in a short period of time… it’s the ONLY way.
But again, the only 4 end results that sell are…
1) Beauty (typically involves helping people lose weight, clear their skin, detox their bodies)
2) Love & Belonging (typically involves helping people fix their marriage or find their soulmate/get dates)
3) Chronic Pain Relief (typically involves eliminating chronic pain like back or neck pain or eliminating athletic performance issues like runners knee.)
4) Financial Freedom & Security (typically involves helping people make or save money by making more sales, better investments, starting a business, growing a business etc.)
Now let’s say you don’t resonate with any of these 4 end results, or don’t feel like you’re good enough or know enough to help people with any of those end results.
What are you supposed to do?
You need to get creative.
You need to either:
5) Get certified in one of these 4 areas to become/feel competent in offering to coach people.
That’s it. Those are your options.
Now go make some sales!
I hope this helps you get clear on what end result you should help your customers get :)
Ted Carr
Not sure what to offer? Read this 6 times. (FREE)
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