Jul 2 in General
Not clear on your offer? Neither was Jessica. So here's what we did:
We brainstormed together!
And instead of allowing Jessica to think about what SHE wanted to sell or help people with (music), I had her first think about what the market is already buying, and what end result they're already paying for.
Then we found a way to fit her passions (music) into that.
When brainstorming an offer, it's always wise to start with the end result of the customer in mind... DO NOT START WITH YOUR PASSIONS.
Find a way to fit your passions in after.
Just sell what's already selling.
You can add your own unique original twists in after.
Want to dive deep and become an offer creation master? Read this.
Want help crafting your offer? Show up to these free Offer Clarity calls which we host every week.
Ted Carr
Not clear on your offer? Neither was Jessica. So here's what we did:
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