May '23 (edited) in Introductions
Hey everyone, my name is Enzan and I'm super pumped to be a part of this community. As for nicknames, I don't really go by anything, but when I don't feel like resounding my name to the people at Starbucks I say 'Evan' to keep things seamless.
My family is from Palestine & Jordan, but I'm culturally very American. I've lived in Florida my entire life and don't plan to change that anytime soon although I'd love to travel everywhere.
My biggest strength is that I have a high level of stress tolerance and my biggest weakness is that I can be stubborn when things aren't working out.
Instagram is by far my favorite platform as it's the one I spend the most time on.
As far as help, I just want to learn how to get to 10k/month in 90 days from today because I believe I have the time and ambition to make it happen. Everything Ted says makes it sound so straightforward so just follow what he says.
With all that being said, I'm glad to be here!
Enzan Azari
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