I'm ready!
Hello everyone! I am genuinely excited to see where this goes. It would be nice to get some practical and applicable answers and solutions.
My childhood nickname is T, and my social media "nickname" is Angel.
I am from an extremely small town in Southwest Michigan of the United States, the population is 611.
My biggest strength is I am stubborn. Yup, strength. I don't give up. Dedicated if you will then.
Due to CPTSD I am still learning how to manage my emotions at 46 years old.
I do love YouTube, I just wish it didn't take so long to upload videos. Instagram a close 2nd, then TickTok. I'd like to focus more on TikTok and learn it better.
I have never had a career. I have worked sidejobs my whole life. I am ready. I'm ready to taste success, not just visualize it. I hope I find support on the journey of making that happen here.
Tina Kruger
I'm ready!
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