Jan 11 in 31 P's
How are you Programming your Mind for Success?
Out of all the 31 P's of success we've discussed so far, this "Programming" P is arguably the most important because it will dictate and determine all of the action you take and results you manifest.
Just like you can program a computer to behave in a certain way, you can also program your mind so you behave in a certain way, geared for success…
And you can program your mind with the following 2 exercises:
Exercise #1 Incantations: What’s something you would say that would imply you are successful with this business? Repeat thse everyday with feeling.
Eg #1: Wow! That’s such great news!
Eg #2: Yes!
When you say these with feeling, you put yourself in a certain vibration that will attract more experiences into your reality that make you feel this way more often.
Losers do the opposite. They say things that lower their vibe everyday.
So make sure when you do these incantations, you feel a feeling that you would feel if you were already successful with this business.
Do you get butterflies? Does your heart rate increase? Also, make sure your body language visually reflects your feelings.
Are you smiling with a fist pump? DO ITTT!!!
Exercise #2 An audio describing your perfect life: Listen to this audio every morning when you wake up, and every night as you fall asleep.
You just have to hit play… And as you listen, you’ll naturally visualize.
You’ll see a scene in your mind's eye that implies you’re already successful with your business.
Eg. You’ll see your mom walk into a new house and she’ll be so proud of you that she breaks into tears… and then you tell her: “No mom, I bought it for you. It’s yours.” and you hand her the keys.
So the question is…
How will you deliberately program yourself for success everyday?
Will you implement the above 2 programming methods?
In addition to those 2 methods, what teachers can you fill your head with via podcasts?
What YouTube videos can you watch? I suggest watching this one: https://youtu.be/43BI8cSQac8?si=lRc6yk9KLL6e2L2h
What books can you read? I suggest reading these books here.
What interviews can you watch? I suggest this one.
Who’s thoughts do you want to allow to become your thoughts?
Write a list of all the people who have minds you admire.
What are some old thoughts and feelings you have that you need to let go of?
What are some character traits you have now that you need to get rid of?
What are some character traits you’d like to embody?
Ted Carr
How are you Programming your Mind for Success?
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