Common Beginner Mistake #3 PROCESS vs END RESULT
Whenever I ask a beginner: "What do you want to help people with?" what I'm secretly looking for in their answer is an END RESULT.
But what do I get?
An earful about THE PROCESS they want to use. 😴 🥱
Well guess what?
Nobody cares about your PROCESS.
Example #1: Do you care more about how to implement a special top secret webinar funnel & follow up email & text message sales sequence....
Do you care more about THE MONEY it will bring you?
😉 💴 , me too.
Example #2:
Do you care more about adopting a special top secret diet & workout program that was originally formulated by ancient Chinese traditional herbalist healers...
Do you care more about THE FIT, SEXY, & VIBRANTLY HEALTHY BODY it will bring you?
Exactly 💪.
You care FAR more about the end result than any process.
This is human nature.
In fact, if someone cares enough about the end result, they'll pay for almost ANY process to attain it, no matter how weird or uncomfortable.
(Yesterday I paid $40 just to take a 20 minute ice bath! Why? To reduce pain. 😂 Do I care about ice baths? No. In fact, I hate them. BUT I love the end result they provide me. I just signed up for 2 more sessions!)
Remember this: People will always buy YOUR PROMISE, AKA the "End Result." if it's tied to something they truly value.
Focusing on the process you want to use (especiallllllly as a beginner) is a massive mistake because nobody gives AF about your process...... they only care about the end result.
And if you try to sell a process, you'll almost always fail.
(The only exception to this is if you're already super popular and have a huge fan base... in this case, you can sell almost ANYTHING! But for mere mortals, read on...)
Fun fact: I've sold over 2 million worth of coaching online and 95% of the people who sign up to work with me have NO IDEA about my process...
All they know & care about is the end result I can help them achieve.
Once they sign up, their first question is usually: "Ok cool, so how does this work? What's the process like?"
And yet I see a bunch of beginners out here trying to shove their process down peoples throats as if they care.
Side quest question: IS having an awesome process even important then?
YES! Absolutely.
Because you're going to use the process everyday to help your clients achieve the end result.
But you do NOT want the process to be the first thing on their mind.
You want the end result to be first (and ideally, ONLY) thing on their mind.
Make the end result the most important part of your marketing & conversations with prospects if you want to make more sales.
My fav quote: "Sell them what they want, give them what they need."
Let's break that quote down...
Sell them what they want = tell them that they're buying the end result. Make that obvious to them.
Give them what they need = have them go through the required (sometimes difficult, sometimes painful) process to make it happen.
Another way of saying this quote is... "Sell them what THEY want, give them what YOU want."
Ok, back to my story about speaking with beginners.
Whenever I ask beginners: "What do you want to help people with?"
I get answers like....
"I want to help people with detox."
"I want to help people with their exercise routine."
"I want to help people align with their higher spirit."
"I want to help people with their photography."
"I want to help people communicate better."
"I want to help people have more confidence."
And while these are all perfectly fine and noble aspirations for a beginner to have...
And while I totally understand why a beginner would be focusing on the process instead of the end result (lack of education)...
It's vital that the beginner understands how their is a STARK difference between a PROCESS and an END RESULT...
The difference?
The End Result is something people want to BUY (and should therefore be front and center!)
The Process, although required for success, is often boring, painful, or time consuming (and should therefore be mentioned at the bare minimum!)
At the very beginning stages of becoming a contentpreneur, the MAIN FOCUS should always always always always always be on the END RESULT - NOT the PROCESS.
Detox, exercise, alignment, photography, etc are all processes.
But fear not!
Here's how you can quickly hear about a process, and then turn it into an end result.
Step 1: Understand that there are only 4 end results people will spend $997+ on.
End result #1: Wealth. Examples: make me more money or save me more money.
End result #2: Relationships. Examples: get me more dates, or fix my marriage.
End result #3: Chronic pain relief. Examples: relieve my chronic back pain or knee pain.
End result #4: Beauty. Examples: get me a flat stomach or a bigger butt.
That's it.
In the world of high ticket ($997+) sales online, those are the ONLY FOUR (4) end results that actually sell with ease.
Only 4.
Not 100.
Not 10.
Not 5.
Just 4.
So that's step 1.
Understand that the menu for end results is TINY.
Step 2: Look at the process and associate it with one of the above 4 things.
Detox? Flat stomach.
Exercise? Bigger ass.
Alignment? Better marriage.
Photography? More money.
Confidence? More dates.
Step 3: Talk more about the end result you help people achieve than the actual process.
Make the end result the main part of your marketing.
Sell me what I WANT.
Make the end result the central theme in your conversations with prospects.
Let's talk about what I WANT!
Make the end result the reason people click & watch your videos.
Make me WANT to click & watch by talking about what I WANT!
Be so focused on your end result that nobody even CARES about your process...
And then over deliver by giving them an epic process to follow ;)
Example: The end result I help my clients achieve is a $10,000/month income from their own course/coaching program.
My process?
It's called VIP Weekend but the actual process varies depending on who I'm working with...
However, it USUALLY consists of something like:
  • Working 1 on 1 with someone on Zoom for 2 days in a row
  • Building out 3 Irresistible Offers for them (a freebie, a LT membership, and a HT coaching program)
  • Building out their Audience Growth Machine (so they can get at least 1,000 new eyeballs every month)
  • Building out their Automated Sales System... so they can convert at least 1% of those 1,000 eyeballs into HT clients each month.
  • Ensuring that by the end of the 2 days, they're open for business and ready to make sales with their dream business.
Now as you can see from this example, the idea of making $10,000/month is WAY MORE EXCITING than seeing all the actual work that's required to make it happen within the process... but that's why I offer to do everything WITH the client, 1 on 1, so they don't need to do it alone.
I understand that the process can be daunting and overwhelming, so instead of offering a DIY (do it yourself) course like many others, I offer a custom tailored DWY (done with you) to help people actually complete all the steps properly without succumbing to the death grip of procrastination.
So I guess there's a key insight for you...
When it FINALLY comes to you talking about your process, make it as ATTRACTIVE and seemingly effortless as possible for your clients so that it remains nearly just as exciting as the end result as possible.
If you found post this helpful, and you want to make $10,000/month a lot faster with your own course/coaching program, you must continue to study & deeply understand sales psychology.
To help you do that, I wrote a simple step by step guide for you called End Result Clarity which you should read if you're not yet making $10,000/month 💰
Ted Carr
Common Beginner Mistake #3 PROCESS vs END RESULT (FREE)
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