A little introduction
Hey everyone! <3
I just signed up and I literally CANNOT wait to get started! I have so many ideas. My name is Destiny and some of my friends usually come up with a nice little nickname for me but if you can't think of anything, calling me Destiny is perfectly fine. I promise.
I was born and raised in Houston, TX! Whooooop!
My biggest strength is my ability to overcome my thoughts and ultimately turn them into great ideas and/or solutions. If I have my mind set on something, I'm coming to get it ASAP!
One of my biggest weaknesses, although, is my feelings. I can get emotional at times and sometimes it can be a setback towards the goal but at least you'll know I care.
Im.... what do they call it? A lover girl. :)
I really like the Instagram platform. If I had to pick a second favorite it would probably be TikTok even though I'm not on it as much but I love anything that is informative and has good information. Instagram is probably the platform that I am on most and outside of this group, I would love some help with podcasting. It has always been of interest to me.
Thanks for making it to the end (if you did)! So excited to get started and become better overall. Lets win!
Destiny Davis
A little introduction
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