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Skool Community Setup is happening in 3 days
📚 Share Your Favorite Resources!
Hi, What are some of the resources that have helped you the most in your business or personal development journey? - Books - Podcasts - Tools - Websites - Courses Share your top recommendations and let’s build a valuable resource list for everyone in the community!
New comment 4d ago
Introduction Post Template
Make a post in the community introducing yourself. Feel free to use this simple template to get started: Hi, I’m ________________. I’m from ______________, and I’m building my Skool community to ___________ (insert your goal or focus). If you’ve already started a Skool community, feel free to share the link here: [Insert your Skool community link] (optional). Here’s one thing I’m excited to learn or achieve in the community: 1. _______________ (One key goal)
New comment 24d ago
Introduction Post Template
Build As You Go: Launch Your Community Without Pre-Made Content
Think you need a ton of content ready before launching your Skool community? Not necessarily. In fact, starting with minimal content—or even no content at all—can be one of the best ways to create something truly valuable with your founding members. Instead of loading up your Classroom with pre-recorded videos, focus on real-time engagement. Here’s what I suggest: 🔑 Invite your initial members and build your content with them. Host live sessions based on their needs, and let their feedback guide your future lessons. 📹 Repurpose your live session recordings as modules for your Classroom. This way, your community grows alongside your content, making it interactive and personalized. 💡 Want to keep it simple? You can even run a thriving community without a Classroom at all! Some creators prefer to focus solely on weekly live calls without offering formal courses. It’s all about what works best for you and your members. 💻 Pro Tip: Manage which features are visible to your members by toggling tabs on and off in your Skool settings. Start simple—just activate the Calendar for your live sessions. You can always add the Classroom later if it aligns with your goals. Check out the screenshot below for guidance! Your turn: How did you approach content when launching your community? Did you start with pre-made lessons, build them as you went, or skip the Classroom entirely? Drop your experiences below—let’s share ideas!
Build As You Go: Launch Your Community Without Pre-Made Content
Reality Check on 'Overnight Success’
Casey Neistat once said, 'Overnight success is almost always a myth. Half of this industry is luck, and half is the refusal to quit.' How do you interpret this in your own journey? Have you experienced moments when you wanted to give up but didn’t? Share your stories of persistence and how it's shaped your path to success. Let’s debunk the myth of overnight success together and celebrate the real, hard-earned victories!
New comment May 14
Subscription Model
"Building Lasting Value: Why a Subscription Model Might Be Your Best Bet" Consider a strategic choice in real estate: Would you rather... and sell a single house for a one-time payday? OR ...construct an apartment complex, managing it to earn a steady, monthly rental income? Adding another layer to this, imagine integrating an Airbnb component into your complex. This not only maximizes long-term profitability through both regular rentals and short-term, higher-earning Airbnb bookings but also builds equity, allowing you to potentially sell the asset for a significant profit later. This decision in real estate offers a useful analogy for digital product creators. Think about your offerings: Would you prefer... develop a standalone online course, selling it once for a significant sum? OR create a dynamic, community-based platform, offering ongoing access through a subscription model that ensures continuous engagement and recurring revenue? While both methods have merits, a subscription model, like an apartment complex (enhanced with Airbnb for flexibility), provides a continuous income stream and deeper, more lasting relationships with your audience. This model encourages regular updates and engagement, aligning well with the evolving needs of your community. Opting for a subscription-based community allows you to: - Build a loyal audience that grows with you over time. - Offer value consistently, enhancing your ability to respond to feedback and adapt to changing demands. - Establish a more predictable and stable revenue flow, mitigating the feast-or-famine cycles of one-time launches. As content creators, considering how real estate investors generate lasting value can provide powerful insights into our strategies. A community-driven, subscription model not only promises regular income but also fosters a sense of belonging and ongoing interaction, enhancing the overall value of your digital real estate. Which approach do you think could better serve your long-term objectives as a creator? Would you opt for a big one-time sell, a hybrid approach, or a community subscription model?
Subscription Model
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Skool For Creators
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