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🎉 Welcome To The Creators Hub!
Hi there, Welcome to the Creators Hub! I’m thrilled to have you join our vibrant community of passionate creators. My name is James Delong, and I’m here to help you turn your YouTube passion into a profitable lifestyle business. Our Mission: Inside the Creators Hub, our mission is to help creators like you turn your knowledge and passion into successful online businesses. We're dedicated to providing the tools, support, and community you need to succeed. Learn more about our mission here. Getting Started: 📚 Start Here: • Watch the Intro Video: Find it in the Quick Start Vlogging classroom for a quick platform overview and onboarding. 🚀 Next Steps: • Quick Start Vlogging Guide: Dive into the Quick Start Vlogging classroom to kickstart your YouTube journey. • Set Up Your Skool: Get a head start on building your community with our free training in the Skool Setup Classroom. Get Involved: • Introduce Yourself: Reply to an introduction in the Introduce Yourself thread. • Comment Below: Share one thing you’re grateful for today. Need Help or Have Questions? Feel free to reach out to me directly or drop a message in the community feed. We're all here to support each other. Looking for More Personalized Guidance? Join the Lifestyle Business Creator Community: • For exclusive resources, live coaching, and a supportive network, consider joining our premium community. Learn more at: Lifestyle Business Creator Community Thank you for joining. Let’s achieve greatness together! Best, James Delong
New comment Apr 30
🎉 Welcome To The Creators Hub!
Introduce Yourself 👋
Hi there, Welcome to the introductions thread in the Creators Hub! I'm thrilled to have you here. Everyone joins this community for different reasons—maybe it's the courses, bonuses, or live trainings. But what you'll find even more valuable is the sense of community and support here. By sharing your introduction, you'll not only forge lifelong connections but also receive recognition for your achievements and support along the way. 🌟 How to Get Started: 1. Introduce Yourself: Reply to this post with: - Your Name: Example: "Hi, I'm Emily!" - Your YouTube Channel: Example: "Hello, I'm Emily! I run a lifestyle YouTube channel where I share tips and inspiration on sustainable living, minimalist fashion, and eco-friendly home decor. Additionally, I offer consulting services to help businesses implement sustainable practices." - Your Goals in Creators Hub: Example: "I'm eager to explore new strategies for growing my YouTube channel and connecting with fellow creators who share similar interests. Additionally, I'm excited to learn more about monetization techniques and how to build a sustainable online business." 2. Engage with Others: Reply to at least one other introduction to start networking. This small step can open doors to new collaborations and insights! 3. Create Your Own Post (Optional): If you're up for it, you can also create your own post and tag it with the "Introductions" category. This allows you to engage with other members who visit your profile and see your post. Template for Your Introduction: 1. What's your name? 2. What type of content do you create on your YouTube channel? 3. What are you most excited to discover or explore in the Creators Hub? Feel free to leave your introduction as a comment in this post. If you create your own post, make sure to tag it with the "Introductions" category.
New comment May 12
Introduce Yourself 👋
YouTube Foundations
Welcome to the YouTube Foundations Classroom! We're excited to announce that the YouTube Foundations classroom is now live! This classroom will guide you through the essential steps to set up, optimize, and grow your YouTube channel using no-edit video techniques. What You'll Learn: - Setting Up Your Channel: Create and personalize your YouTube channel to attract viewers. - Understanding the Algorithm: Learn how YouTube’s algorithm works and how to optimize your content for visibility. - Creating Your First Video: Plan, record, and optimize your first no-edit video. - Advanced Growth Strategies: Implement SEO, design compelling thumbnails, and use YouTube Analytics to refine your strategy. Get Started: 1. Go to the YouTube Foundations Classroom: [Link to Classroom] 2. Introduce Yourself: Share your YouTube channel and your goals with the community. 3. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask questions and share your progress in the community. For advanced strategies and personalized support, consider joining the Lifestyle Creator Community. Together, we can unlock the full potential of your YouTube channel! Happy creating!
Doing a check in to see how you are doing with your community. I've been busting my hump with my courses and will have them out for you soon. The foundation is the hardest for me since I want to do so many things, however I embraced 'Lean" and will have what you need and then build on it with you as I go. Where are you at with your community building phase?
Embrace Lean Creation
Hello Creator! I hope you're doing great and finding new ways to engage with your audience. Today, I want to share a tip that's been a game-changer for me: embracing a lean approach to content creation. Start with the MVP MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It's about launching with the most essential features and then improving over time. Here's how you can apply it: 1. Identify the Core: Focus on the key message or value you want to deliver. What’s the one thing your audience absolutely needs right now? 2. Create Quickly: Don’t get bogged down by perfectionism. Get your content out there as soon as it's valuable and functional. 3. Iterate Daily: Use feedback to make small, consistent improvements. Ask your audience what they liked and what could be better. Why Lean Works - Faster Feedback: You’ll know what works and what doesn’t sooner. - Less Stress: Perfection is stressful. Aim for progress instead. - Better Engagement: Your audience appreciates updates and improvements. It shows you're listening. Your Challenge This week, I challenge you to create one piece of content using the MVP approach. Share your experience and the feedback you get in this thread. Let’s support each other in making quick, impactful content! Remember, the goal is to improve a little every day. Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with! Cheers, James
Embrace Lean Creation
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Join us to turn your YouTube passion into a successful channel with no-edit videos. Access free training, resources, and support. Start today!
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