Reels update - officially started posting :D - the first reel finally published (I made some small adjustments, but more or less it's the same I posted earlier here), the next ones are being edited and queued to prevent non-consistent posting :)
For now, the stats are:
  • biggest reaction ratio on FB (I guess I have the most friends there),
  • completely ignored on LinkedIn (gotta start commenting on others' publications like You guys suggested, it seems I have zero strong relationships on that portal - but at least the reels are gonna sit on the profile in case someone checks it out, at least it will no longer be empty)
  • YT (posted as shorts) - 50% positive reactions, 50% negative, but it's known that platform isn't really keen on this type of content. Maybe the future, more informative reels gain some better stats, for now I got to assume the current channel's subscribers expect only entertainment content (like our movie-related commentaries etc) and something like that isn't what they were expecting.
EDIT: not that bad on YT currently, 76% positive reactions - maybe wrong people were presented with the reel by the algorithm at first.
Peter Wesołowski
Reels update - officially started posting :D
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