It's clear by how active you are that you're working your ass off. I apologize if you've already said it somewhere, but I'd love to hear how much time and effort you're putting into the "business" as you grow it.
I am getting my own Skool ready, and I'm going to focus more on marketing and sales ( less theory and more here's how we do it right, even on a budget and even with no resources ) and one of my big reasons for launching this is to fight back against the massive wave of "work an hour a week" and "make $100k a month from the beach in Bali" that is so pervasive these days.
You seem to be doing it right. How can we help educate people more on how much work this takes and give them the basic building blocks to grow sustainable companies that aren't, as we mentioned in another post, based on trickery and cash grabs?