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Appointment Setters?
Has anyone had success with appointment setters from India etc who claim to do this organically? (They offer to do this either on retainer $2500 / month or with a setup fee of $1000 plus commission - which one client of mine suggested is enough to make interesting for them that they don't care about the commission - or the delivery). Your thoughts / experiences?
New comment Mar '23
My Marketing Campaigns - Successful and not so successful
Hi Everyone Very interested to hear about you all and what marketing initiatives you've tried. 1. I've spent a lot on google adds and seems there's a bunch of aggressive click bots that drain the funds very quickly. Each campaign I get one good prospect and then nothing. 2. I have a client who uses a vast number of backlinks to a series of websites linked to local coaching URLs. This worked Ok and got we a couple of good clients over the last few years. 3. Every so often I ask current and past clients for referrals - this gets a client or 2. 4. I network a bit - I used to do breakfast groups - that involves 5 hours a week if you do it properly and can result in clients depending on the level you're pitching at. 5. I had a person dong telemarketing to a database I scraped from an online database - they would qualify 10 leads a day and I'd follow up - I got about 1% success rate. Lot of work but steady stream of clients. 6. I've done 3 done for you LinkedIn lead generation campaigns. The first one cost USD $3k and took 3 months of follow ups and generated 1 client @ $2.5k / month. The second one was very tightly focused on Web3 and right now very few of them have any money. So that $9k hasn't resulted in any returns. The third one was more expensive and delivered no leads in the first 2 months so I discontinued it. 7. I'm reviewing my approach right now. Fortunately of the Gerber 3 branches of marketing: Lead generation, lead conversion, and customer fulfilment. I'm very good at the latter 2. My customers stay with me for an average of 4 years. So I don't need that many new clients. 8. Very interested in your experiences and comments. :-)
New comment Mar '23
Hi guys, introducing myself. I have been providing business coaching and advisory services for many years and have helped many businesses, mainly in Auckland over this time. I am adding ISO standards to the services that I offer so that businesses have a system in place to help protect them against claims when accidents happen.
New comment Mar '23
Coaching communities
Was just interviewed this morning for a Christian Coaching and Spiritual Directors Membership community that will be starting the States shortly. There is something very valuable about gathering with other coaches / consultants when it could otherwise be a very isolating role. I'm fortunate in that I do have communities of coaches in the same niche/genre, but am aware for others, this will be the only space they can connect with others who will 'get' the challenges of the role. Well done @Deleted for seeing a gap and seeking to meet a need! 👏🏼
New comment Mar '23
Maybe a silly question
But how do we level up in this forum? Is it by posting? interacting with others? sharing courses? or watching content within the site? had a look (albeit a quick one!) and couldn't find an FAQ of sorts
New comment Mar '23
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