Most are completely stuck when it comes to sales in their business.
  • No sales strategy for the month
  • Not sure what brings in new leads
  • Completely unaware of what sales activity they should be doing today
I’ve seen this thousands of times over the years.
From newbie business owners to 20+ year veteran entrepreneurs.
The vast majority are still lacking the fundamentals.
It’s why most feel STUCK when it comes to their business.
Sure enough, they distract themselves with crystal healing, mentoring with yet another 7 figure coach who promises the world and can’t even deliver a pizza.
The reality is, we need to ask the most important question of all:
Are we running our business like a business, or is it a lifestyle hobby?
For most, it’s an extremely expensive hobby which brings no real joy or genuine profit.
I reckon it’s time for change, don’t you?
So here’s the script.
I can help get your sales completely sorted (yep - this is a pitch).
  • Your entire sales process start to finish
  • Know exactly what sales activity you need to do day to day
  • Track the data that matters (super easy and takes 2 mins per day)
  • STOP losing sales and start converting more hot leads to high paying clients 
  • Have fun in the entire process
How does all this sound?
If you’re ready to stop winging it and to put everything in place, let me know.
You might think, fook I can’t afford this.
A: I’ve made this an insane price so you can’t say no
B: The entire reason why you can’t afford it, is the entire reason WHY you need to do this
You should be making money in your business.
You should be brining in new highly paying clients.
You should be having fun selling like crazy.
Let me know.
Sending love and sales.
Pete Scott
Consulting HQ
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