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Consulting HQ

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7 contributions to Consulting HQ
Making money IS a mindset
Question - How much money have you made so far this month? If you know me already, then you’ll also know I make fun of most ‘mindset coaches’ who blame mindset on everything haha. But they are right about one thing. You want to make a lot of money? Then you’re either offering a solution that transforms people’s lives or you’re making excuses of why you can’t sell. To sell with total confidence, you need: - A rock solid mentality to show up each day - Be highly proactive instead of feeling reactive all the time - Know your numbers, for goodness sake KNOW YOUR NUMBERS - Master the high value skills that create clients and cash (sales, marketing and copywriting) - Most importantly, be excited about what you’re offering to the world! Most don’t have this mindset, most are stuck in their own head and don’t even realise it. It’s time to break free from sales struggle and into sales on tap 365 days per year for many years to come. I’ll show you how.
New comment 13d ago
Making money IS a mindset
1 like • 15d
Back on dry land... but more importantly back in the environment that makes you happy, focused and creative. cheers Pete 🍹 PS: what light is that?
0 likes • 13d
@Pete Scott sounds great ... re-orientation is important. And I am pleased you got my email :)
Your skills are valuable
The big question is, how are you packaging your value? Most are severely underselling themselves by: - Selling their time by the hour - Selling packages - Charging the same as the rest of the industry - Marketing and selling the same way as the rest of the industry - Overthinking pricing entirely And this is why most are STUCK in the mud when it comes to growing their business. You see, pricing isn't just about the price you put on your work, it goes far deeper: - Who you sell your expertise to will impact your pricing - How you package your personal brand - How you communicate value to your market and client (hint, it's not selling time) One way I've managed to sell my expertise for a premium for 10+ years, is because I sell my expertise to corporates. Another way is leveraging my personal brand (see image where I was paid 5K to speak on stage for a couple of hours). EXAMPLE: You could add another ZERO to your revenue per year with just X2 or X3 corporate clients on the books, pretty cool right? I'm interested to know where you're at with pricing, so make sure you vote below. Also, drop a comment if you're wanting to find out more about taking your expertise to companies.
4 members have voted
New comment Aug 19
Your skills are valuable
1 like • Aug 18
I need another option Pete :) ... I am happy with my ability to charge more, but open to nailing what I do so can reach for the stars.
Big change
Hi team, You'll notice a big change with the name here for the group and this will mean good news for some and bad news for others. The entire focus of this group moving forward will be based on 'becoming a high value business consultant' where you can take your expertise to companies from small businesses to the multi-billion dollar brands. Most of you know already, I've consulted for 100's of companies over the years, most recently working with MSC cruise line to help transform their sales across 21 ships. Also, earlier this year, I launched the Consultants in Business Project (CIB) with my good friend and now business partner @Jonny Cooper (more on this later). Since launching the project with Jonny, I've realised more and more all I want to focus on is helping aspiring consultants win their first (and many more) corporate client. I'll write more about all of the above over the next few days, but for now know this group moving forward is here to focus on: - What it takes to become a high value business consultant - What sort of consulting opportunities are out there (as there are many) - Why consulting means you're selling your mind not your time - 101 of consulting tips - The basics of getting started I appreciate for some of you, it will be music to your ears to hear how this group is moving forward. For others, it means this group will no longer be for you. Whatever you decide, I appreciate you being here and the support you've given over the years. My goal from now, is to help create consultants who are earning hundreds of thousands per year, purely selling their expertise and creating transformations within their chosen industry. Please let me know below once you've read this and also look out for more over the coming days.
New comment Aug 18
0 likes • Aug 18
sounds exciting! ... look forward to hearing more at next meet up
Shhh, secret sales mastery
For some reason I decided to hit the record button this week and capture 20 mins of a sales training with the spa team. I only realised after the session, how much sales psychology was shared (even in these short 20 mins) and how it can be helpful when consulting. A few areas discussed in this video: - How great questions lead to great answers - 4 question framework (although I was teaching this to beauty and massage therapists, I use these exact 4 questions when winning corporate clients and selling transformations) - How to get your client to think on a deeper level - The power of your consultation (sales meeting) - Storytelling and active empathy to open the mind of your client + a lot more. My only regret, is I haven't recorded a lot more of these sessions, as I've now delivered 100+ trainings like this across 19 ships. Happy to share this session with you though. As always, have a think how everything I'm sharing relates to you and your own journey, comment below and feel free to ask any questions. Enjoy!
New comment Jul 16
Shhh, secret sales mastery
0 likes • Jul 16
great to see the questions being asked in a relaxed way. I have to improve my story telling.thank you @Pete Scott
7 ways I grew my business (purely with my expertise)
I don’t have a large following online, but for 10+ years I’ve generated 180K to 500K per year, every year. Here’s my top 7 reasons why I believe this has been possible with extreme consistency since 2012: 1) Less clients, more value 2) Application and interview process 3) Niche in high demand/low competition industries 4) Sell expertise, not time 5) Serve current clients on a deeper level 6) Empty the diary, don’t fill it 7) Mastery More on all 7 👇 1) Less clients, more value I’ve never been good at building a large audience, no matter how hard I try, it never seems to work. I also find it extremely overwhelming to try and sell to 1000 people, I much prefer thinking of “how do I help just 5 people?” This mentality has helped me build my business in my deepest core value, to offer real change and transformation. I can’t do this for 1000 people at a time, but 5 people is 🙏. Naturally, this means charging a premium…. I charge £5000 for my sales community, it’s just one product where all my members have lifetime access to my training, support and they all help one another. It works, so I don’t reinvent it. Each month I open doors to 5 new students. Simples. 2) Application and interview process When selling something for thousands, it only makes sense to guarantee you’re selecting the right clients to work with. The last thing I want is for someone to pay me a lot of money and I end up hating them or they hate me lol. This is why the application and interview process works time and time again. Best of all, applications means extremely qualified leads. So instead of selling and convincing, you're selecting and handpicking the right clients to work 3) Niche in high demand/low competition industries Mostly, I don't work with coaches, copywriters or marketers. A: Most give me a headache (sorry not sorry, although I do have a few who are great clients) B: Everyone and their cat is already selling to them The industries I work with have an extremely high need and demand for what I offer (sales transformation).
New comment Jul 24
0 likes • Jul 10
@Alison Rodden you are funny! yes (no coaches, copywriters or marketers), It was a close shave for me too, as Pete mentioned coaches but... not a coach therapist ha-ha!🤣
1-7 of 7
Joy Langley
10points to level up
Emotional intelligence coach & therapist. Helping entrepreneurs master negative head trash & emotions. And function with more focus and confidence.

Active 17h ago
Joined Jun 11, 2024
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