Low vs high value
You’re not stuck in a situation, you’re stuck in a mindset.
Imagine this.
You’re selling X5 to X10 times per month at 5K per client.
A bad month is 25K in revenues and per year you’re hitting 250K+ to 500K.
Most importantly, you’re achieving all of this without working all the time.
You’ve got time for your life, to go for walks, gym and spend time with family.
Now imagine achieving all of this as the exact person you are today, same habits and behaviours.
Can you see the disconnect?
This is what stops 99% of business owners.
They want the change, but they hold onto low value psychology harder than a needy cat who can’t leave its owner.
Sure, hitting 25K+ per month is hard.
But being broke is way harder and holding on like our life depends on it is exhausting.
This group isn’t about you making an extra 1K per month (because you’re not greedy) which is the most selfish mindset of all because it’s only focused on our need for money, not helping our clients on the deepest level.
This group is for those who are serious truly stepping into the high value version of themselves, no excuses no BS.
Now I’m back in Thailand and settled into my new home + my engine room (office) is setup.
My focus is this group and each of you within it.
You’ll see a tonne of resources within the classroom where for as little as $9 you can start learning what it takes to make this shift to your high value self.
If you want me to help you directly, then I’ll step in as your sales director for 30 days and we’ll put my entire sales method to work in your business.
I’m interviewing for new clients as we speak who are wanting to step up and even though might not feel ready, equally know they can’t stay stuck forever.
For now, let’s take a vote on where you’re at right now.
Sending you love and sales.
I’m ready to unlock my high value
I’m stuck in low value and happy
I’m stuck in low value, I hate it
5 votes
Pete Scott
Low vs high value
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