9h ago in Strategy
Success is subjective!!!
How do you feel success is perceived in todays society?
Bling Bling Bling, 100k months, flawless glow-up?
That's not everyone's dream, and frankly it important you remember that…
My belief that everyone deserves to define their own success.
Forget the corner office and the diamond-encrusted life; I'm here to champion the messy and the beautiful, and endlessly unique paths we each carve out.
For me, it's not about the latest designer threads or the shiniest car in the driveway.
Those things might be cool AF, but they don't make me feel truly fulfilled.
My definition of success is all about freedom.
The freedom to live a simple life in Bali, spend quality time with my fluff ball Dog, hang out in cafes with a long black and immerse myself in nature every fricken day whilst building a badass business serving and sharing what I love with others!
Maybe your version of success is climbing the corporate ladder, building a thriving business, or simply having enough time to read a good book and soak in the sunshine.
Whatever it is, I'm here to tell you this: success is available for everyone, no matter your walk of life or your wildest dreams.
This ain't about judgment, it's about empowerment.
If you're tired of chasing someone else's definition of success, let’s flip the script.
Ready to ditch the BS and claim your own definition of success?
Remember, the world is your oyster, baby.
Let's crack it open together!
What does success mean for you, and how can you achieve it on your own terms?
Mimi x x x
Mimi Ramsey
Success is subjective!!!
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