19h ago in Strategy
Skool Community Strategy | Focus on Value, Not Just Hype
There’s a lot happening in the Skool community with tons of great posts, energy, and encouragement. But sometimes, all the hype can be distracting. It’s easy to get caught up in conversations full of excitement that don’t actually lead to results.
The problem is, you can get caught up in hype-filled discussions, only to be invited into communities that don’t lead to monetization or growth. The energy is there, but the action steps aren’t.
Instead, focus on posts that deliver real, actionable value. Value that you can implement immediately to grow your community and business.
Here’s what you can do:
  • When you see someone posting actionable value, click on their profile.
  • Filter to just posts and see if you can find more golden insights.
  • If they’re consistently offering value, it might be worth following them and keeping them in your network.
For example:
By taking a closer look at the people consistently sharing value, you’ll know who’s worth following to help you grow your Skool community and business. That way you're not feeling like you were on Skool all day just doing what I call "busy" work and feeling empty handed.
👇 What’s one piece of actionable advice you’ve implemented from someone in the community that helped you see real results?🌈
Ryan is a MF Beast! 🫡
Devon is the Skool Ads King! 👑
Sarah is the Queen of Inspired Action! 💃
I love all 3 of them! Duh! 🌈🌈🌈
17 votes
Jenna Ostrye
Skool Community Strategy | Focus on Value, Not Just Hype
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