Jul 26 in Other
🚀 Never stop chasing your dreams…
💭 Part of my dream, that I never fully realized when I joined skool a few months ago, but became apparent in the last month?
To show other homesteading mamas and holistic Beauties that this platform provides an amazing space for them to pursue their passion and purpose…
💥 Without the censorship that’s everywhere else
No needing to worry about whether the herbs, holistic animal care, foraging and homestead life they are so passionate about and can show others would cause censorship of their content.
💪 Without having to make up code words, because what they share goes against mainstream ideology… they can freely share and their people see their stuff.
Those in other niches may not realize how much BS we have to deal with beyond the norm in other spaces, on top of the normal ish.
🚀 No more. Started my ad set the night before last, and even with a low spend, today is the day that the first Lovely from off platform joined my biz space, and I can not tell you how stoked I am.
🕳️ Because, part of my mission is to fill up the gaping hole in niches of homesteading, foraging, herbs, holistic animal care, sourdough, preserving, all the good things that haven’t been filled on skool yet.
🌈 For the value it provides to everyone else here, and so these Beauties can do what they love and stay home with their sweet babes, pay for animal feed, or travel the world, whatever it is their hearts desire chooses.
Never stop pursuing your passion, not ever, keep putting one foot in front of the other, and those dreams might become reality sooner than you think 😉
Sarah Hankins
🚀 Never stop chasing your dreams…
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