Jul 25 in Other
Making $1000 on Skool is easy, actually (in 8 action steps)
If you wait for the “right moment” to make a decision, you’ll never make it. Now is always the best time to start. The 2nd best time is now, but since that already past, the 3rd best time is NOW. Name the community whatever you want, don’t waste time thinking about it, you can and will change it later.
Once you have the community, make it private, enable membership questions, and to be basic, this is what I would recommend:
  1. Why are you interested in joining this community?
  2. Enter your best email address.
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Step 2: Decide what your community will be.
There is no perfect decision, there is no best niche, all you have to do is decide.
  • Who do you want to work with?
  • Who can you help?
  • What problem can you solve if someone gave you $1,000?
  • What problem would you still be happy to solve if money was not the goal for you?
Write this down:
“A free community to help [specific avatar] [achieve specific goal]”
This is your group description.
  • Example #1: A free community to help educational creators with 100,000+ subscribers make $100,000/month or more
  • Example #2: A free community to help entrepreneurs manifest their dream reality by accessing the quantum realm
  • Example #3: A free community to help hippies let go of complexity and live more simply and happily every day
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Step 3: Name your community.
Make it clear. Make it cool.
  • Creator Monetization
(A free community to help educational creators with 100,000+ subscribers make $100,000/month or more)
  • Particle Accelerator
(A free community to help entrepreneurs manifest their dream reality by accessing the quantum realm)
  • Minimalist Community
(A free community to help hippies let go of complexity and live more simply and happily every day)
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Step 4: Create a one-time payment offer.
Ask yourself:
  • If someone gave me $1,000 to help them with X, what would I be willing to do for them?
  • If someone gave me $100 to help them with X, what would I be willing to do for them?
Then pick something worth doing for you that you think somebody might buy.
  • The Monetization Protocol - $999
This is a 21-Day course on how to get to $100k/month as a creator with 100,000 followers
  • Quantum Coaching - $999
This is a 4-call package where I help you shift your reality into one where you are guaranteed to achieve your goals
  • Personalized Minimalism - $999
You’ll receive a full audit of your daily routine, your business, and your lifestyle in order to move towards a much happier life
Just think about results here. What result can you reasonably get someone that purchases your offer? Don’t think about 2 weeks into the future and how you’re going to get sales or anything. Just do this.
Create the offer and put it inside of the classroom section. Find some cool picture or make one with A.I. that’s related to the offer or just looks cool. Connect your stripe account to skool, and you’re almost all set.
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Step 5: Write your about page.
This should be as short as possible while being extremely clear and easy to understand about who the community is for and what they get when they join. If you need a framework, here you are…
About page framework:
This is a (free) community to help [specific avatar] [achieve specific goal].
Who this is for:
  • People who hate [current painful situation]
  • People who want [desired situation]
  • x, y, z
Here’s what you get:
  • Free resource #1
  • Free resource #2
  • Course, calls, community, etc…
Join now, it’s free!
…You can also use emojis if you want.
And if you’re brave, record a VSL of you talking about who the community is for, what problem it solves, and what people will get when they join.
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Step 6: The BEST Conversion Method
Before you get members, *at least what I would do,* is that I would set up a few things so that when people join, they’re taken through a system instead of left to figure it out.
So there’s 4 great conversion methods, but I wouldn’t recommend starting with all of them because that’s not very fast haha. You just need one. And just like actually getting members into your community, everything works, it’s more about what works for you.
Here are the 4 conversion methods:
  • 5-Video VSL (free course, pitch at the end)
  • Weekly Webinars (free value, then pitch)
  • Onboarding Calls (get them setup in the community, get to know them, then pitch if they're a good fit for your offer)
  • DMs (get to know your members in the DMs, then you can make an offer if you want)
I think the absolute fastest way would be onboarding calls, and you could also position them as free coaching calls. Go into the calls with the goal of understanding your members, learning their pains and desires and seeing if you can help them, then if they genuinely seem like they would benefit from your offer, ask them permission to tell them about it (they will say yes), then give your best pitch!
I use calendly for people to book calls, it’s like $13/month or something, 100% worth paying for once you have members. If you need to qualify people before taking calls, have them answer a few questions in the booking page and you can cancel it if you already know they aren't a good fit. Here's mine as an example: https://calendly.com/kaiguynemzer/30min - I qualify people through income, what they currently do, what they want to do, and their YouTube experience.
Also make a “Start Here” post telling your members the goal of the community, how they can get the most value, and some kind of action step to get started. For example you can tell them to introduce themselves and write a bit about their business, life, or whatever is related to the community. You can also make valuable posts every day, and mix them in with some sales copy with bonuses, scarcity and urgency.
For example, I made a post about the importance of thumbnails and titles, then I announced that the next 10 people to buy my new title frameworks also get personalized advice from me. It was $45 and I made about $350 in 2 days. Just from a post, no calls or DMs.
Another thing is to SELL BEFORE YOU BUILD!!!!
When I made that post promoting my title frameworks, the course section was completely empty. I hadn’t built it yet. But once the first person bought it, I spent the day making the frameworks and making sure they’re great!
You can create an offer and make a promise before you have anything to give, especially since when people buy, they get lifetime access to whatever it is so they won’t get mad if they open it and it says, “Arriving in 72 hours.”
So, there’s plenty of systems to turn members into money 😂 but just think about it as “Give before you ask” and you’ll sell a lot more.
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Now, you need to let go of ALL of your limiting beliefs. If you want to make money, you have to BELIEVE your group is valuable. You have to be grateful that you get the chance to help anyone who joins your group. As long as you have this conviction and you take action, you will get members, and you will make money.
So, get this into your head: EVERYTHING works.
Paid ads, calling everyone you know, cold DMs, cold emails, instagram, tiktok, YouTube, X, Linkdln, everything works.
It’s more a matter of what works for you.
You can find the meaning of life later, but for now if you want to make money FAST, then you just need to look at where you already have momentum.
Do you have 1,000 instagram followers? Great! Start making posts, reels, and stories giving value and sending people to your community.
Are you skilled at paid ads? If so, great, do that!
Are you completely new to all of this and have no idea what to do? Sounds like skool might be a great place for you to start!
Simply join tons of communities, reply to a ton of posts being kind and friendly. Grow on the leaderboards. Make valuable posts. If you don’t know how to make valuable posts, do this.
Find the posts that get pinned, or get the most likes. Copy their links and paste them into some document. Get a ton of them, then start to write down patterns you notice with the posts. Maybe some of their titles were similar, maybe they were very long, maybe they were inspiring, maybe they had action steps. Simply model what works, put your own spin on it with your authentic self, and you can’t fail as long as you put in a ton of volume.
You can also use this strategy to learn how to make better social media posts. Look at what already works, especially in your niche!!!
People will click on your profile, check out your community, and some will even join!
Want to make a better profile? Use a high quality picture of you as your profile picture, and use this framework in your bio:
I help [avatar] [achieve result].
This way, people will KNOW if you’re a great person for them to connect with.
Make your DMs available in various communities, people often will reach out.
And if you think anyone is a good fit for your stuff, feel free to reach out to them and start a casual conversation. If they like you, they’ll join your community.
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Step 8: Put in focused work every single day
Track these every day to make sure you’re making progress:
  • Promotion volume (skool activity, social media posts, etc…)
  • Members activity in your community
  • Amount of calls booked (KPI)
The higher these numbers, the better you're doing.
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Now, THIS is your action step:
I want you to pitch your community & offer in the comments of THIS POST.
Use this format:
My community is for [avatar] to [achieve goal].
This community is valuable because [good reason].
My paid offer is [insert paid offer].
When someone purchases this, I will [prove it will be worth it].
My example:
My community is for skool community owners & coaches who want to grow their business and personal brand by blowing up their YouTube channel.
This community is valuable because you get to learn directly from me, I've done over 1.5B views on YouTube and won the skool games.
My paid offer is "YouTube Channel ROAST" where I give people a full review of their YouTube channel and give them the best advice possible to blow up in their niche.
When someone purchases this, I will do my best to overdeliver and make it SO good they are tempted to create a new YouTube channel just to get another review.
...You can use this framework, or just make your own pitch. Do NOT add links to your community please, the purpose of this is to take action so that you can get your momentum going.
I wish you all the best of luck!
Kai 💙
Kai Nemzer
Making $1000 on Skool is easy, actually (in 8 action steps)
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