πŸ’°Let's talk pricing (this will 10X your results on Skool this year)
One costly mistake I see creators and entrepreneurs making is (unconsciously) calling in people on the "struggle" bus who "can't afford" their offers, so they then underprice their offers hoping cheaper will sell easier (it doesn't).
Here's the truth - it's never about the money.
But it's always about your messaging and your energy.
I know who my ideal clients are and therefore I call them in through my marketing.
I've had people who:
  • "Couldn't afford" $7.5k on a payment plan, pay me in full days later
  • Wanted a payment plan, then paid me $20k in full days later
  • Turn down my lower ticket offers, then pay me thousands for one call
And this isn't just for people I've given tons of "value" to.
I've had complete strangers find me online and pay me thousands within days of finding me (it's even happened recently inside my Skool group multiple times).
If you are currently not calling in your dream clients who jump in and buy fast it will likely be one or both of the following:
1️⃣. Your messaging is not speaking to them and instead you are calling in the "wrong" people
2️⃣. You are not embodying the person you want to attract.
For example, people who only buy "cheap" or things on sale, have a scarcity mindset, and don't invest from where they want to BE, but instead of where they currently ARE struggle with this.
The reason is it energetically comes across in their marketing and they find it hard to call in empowered, premium buyers as like attracts like.
My ideal clients don't do this, OR if they do are aware of it and focused on solutions so are continually paying for mentorship to be able to move through this self-sabotage when it crops up (as we are all human, even me!)
We all need to know who our true ideal client is AND isn't.
Example from last monthπŸ‘‡
Someone heard about my $11 offer in my Skool group and messaged me the day after to see if they missed it.
I let them know there was still a discount and it was now $77 instead of $111. Their response was to choose to not get it.
My response was...
As I know they are currently NOT my ideal client (but people change and one day they might be).
I know that anyone who hesitates over spending an extra $60 to access something that will show them how to make an extra 100k+ this year and avoid costly mistakes along the way is looking at what they have to lose (eg $77), rather than what they have to gain (the ROI).
Someone who DID buy it after the price increase opened her paid Skool group days after and had paid members on the first day they opened (and now has a lovely MRR a few weeks on).
Someone else got that same offer and 100X'd that $11 in under two weeks.
We all have a choice to either try to chase, persuade and convince people who are clearly not ready or excited to buy from us.
OR... we can speak directly to those who ARE ready to buy.
I know who I like to work with.
Self-led, empowered leaders who have a growth mindset and know they are a perfect fit for ME.
I'm here for the ambitious ones who say it's go big or go home!
(Not the ugly sister who's big old fat feet are too big for the shoe and would need me to force it in! 🀣)
This is your invitation to think about who your ideal Skool members REALLY are and how you can best get them into your world. πŸ™Œ
Jade Jemma
πŸ’°Let's talk pricing (this will 10X your results on Skool this year)
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