14h ago in Strategy
Lessons from Leila Hormozi ($100M CEO)
Last month Leila Hormozi surprised everyone at the 1-day in Vegas event.
Here are a few of the biggest lessons I learned from her:
“Business is a game of last man standing”
You become the last man standing by doing the things you love.
Ruthlessly eliminate and delegate the tasks you don’t enjoy to play the game forever.
“The key to a great partnership is acceptance”
Alex and Leila are great partners because they balance each other out. Neither one of them try to be the other, they are unapologetically themselves.
In a great relationship you shouldn’t try change the other person.
“Creating company culture starts at the top. Be an irrefutable example”
Company culture is what sets one business apart from the competition.
The way you build company culture is by being a shining embodiment of the values you want to see in your team.
"Culture is built through a hundred golden bbs rather than one silver bullet"
Continuously reinforce the behaviour you want to see more of in others and they will grow.
It takes a hundred repetitions to achieve meaningful results.
“Training soft skills is harder than hard skills.”
It’s harder to train someone to work hard than it is to train them to read a sales script.
Hire people who aren't lacking soft skills.
“They stand out because they stand on others”
Companies win through teams, not by individuals.
Don’t work with those who stand on others. Removing a star who doesn’t play by the rules will pick the rest of the team up and improve performance overall.
“You build a great business by assembling a great team"
4 things you need to look for when hiring:
  1. Expectations match
  2. Values match
  3. Future match
  4. Skills match
“Pattern recognition is how you hire great candidates”
4 patterns found in terrible interviews:
  1. Lack of details in answers, especially when discussing past experiences.
  2. Avoiding direct answers and talking around the question.
  3. Being slow to schedule interviews or follow up afterward.
  4. Asking too many questions about working hours or boundaries, indicating a need for strict structure.
"Moderately successful on their own. And much stronger together"
Leila and Alex Hormozi are a super team.
What’s your favorite thing you have learned from Leila?
Andrew Kirby
Lessons from Leila Hormozi ($100M CEO)
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