Aug 16 in Strategy
How to Leverage Your Organic Following in Advertising ๐Ÿ’ฐ
Hey Skool fam! ๐Ÿ‘‹
I see many big creators with organic reach join Skool and hesitate to start running ads. They're nervous about spending money and setting up their accounts. But I've seen creators with tens of thousands, and even millions of followers, hesitate to start running them. What they don't realize is that ads will work fast for them.
Their audience recognizes and trusts them. Whether they have 50,000 followers or a million, a solid email list, theyโ€™ve got a huge advantage. Fame significantly boosts ads!
The setup is forgiving, and the ads donโ€™t need to be exceptional. You can use the best-performing organic content to start. It works. I see it all the time.
Donโ€™t obsess over split testing Video Sales Letters (VSLs) or writing scripts in the beginning.
Promote your top five organic videos as ads to reach the 90% of your social media audience that hasnโ€™t heard about your offer.
Extract the hook from a successful video and rework the body. The first 5 seconds are crucial for stopping the scroll. Sort your data by the highest watch-through rates and use those as your ad hooks.
Make sure you have the rights to use them. You canโ€™t use copyrighted content or other peopleโ€™s personalities without permission.
Put your offer in the primary text and include a clear call to action button. It will convert if your page is well-organized and people recognize you.
Optimization happens after exhausting your existing audience. There is plenty of low-hanging fruit.
Larger creators fear running ads because they may set up the ad account wrong and waste money, potentially thousands of dollars needed before the ads work.
If youโ€™re active on IG, Meta has data about you, so youโ€™ll see results within $100 of starting your ads. If not, turn it off.
The biggest risk isnโ€™t losing thousands of dollars, but spending $100 to gain valuable data about the best organic hooks for Facebook ads. Even without conversions, youโ€™ll learn which approach worked best.
I know a guy who focuses on organic TikTok and gets a lot of traffic. Now that heโ€™s running ads and understands his best hooks, he can address creative fatigue on Facebook. He shoots TikToks to repurpose them as ads.
He used to shoot a TikTok, jump on a trend, use any music, and say whatever. Now, he avoids trendy music and major brand logos, focusing on his audienceโ€™s pain points.
If youโ€™re an educator, create teaser educational videos for organic. Teasers make perfect ads. No CTA needed.
  • Start running ads with your best-performing organic content.
  • Use organic data to inform your ad strategy.
  • Tease with educational videos.
Go convert your audience
Devon Meadows
How to Leverage Your Organic Following in Advertising ๐Ÿ’ฐ
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