How I Launch My FREE 5-Day Challenge on Skool!🚀🚀🚀
Few weeks ago, I ran my 5-Day Build Your Tribe Challenge here at Skool. (First time!)
Was I nervous?
Hell yah! Only a few days were left for my 5-Day Challenge to start and I decided to move everything to Skool!👀
But I don’t regret!🙌
It was a great experience and so much fun and exciting doing it in Skool than on Facebook (where I was planning to do!)
Oh and it was definitely an impactful and profitable challenge!🤩🤯🔥
Here’s how I came up with my 5-day challenge idea and ran the challenge on Skool!
(And how you can do it too!)
1️⃣Join communities where your ideal clients are.
I mostly work with beginners who want to leverage organic marketing strategies to build their own audience and sell their offers with ease and confidence.
I joined 2-3 communities on Facebook and Skool where my ideal audience are in and interacted with members inside daily.
2️⃣. Pick a problem your ideal audience are struggling with.
I spend my time observing the groups and communities I was in and looking for questions members were asking the most.
Groups are created to provide help and support. So if you were looking for answers and solutions, you would ask in this groups hoping to get someone’s help!
A lot of people miss this step.
Instead of looking for a problem worth solving, a problem your ideal audience have and are actively looking for solutions,
they’re creating and marketing random freebies and plrs which have nothing in common with their audience in hopes of gaining a lead.
Some people are plain lazy. They know what they should be doing, but they keep making excuses and complaining that it doesn’t work when they never tried doing something in the first place.
Don’t be like that. Spend your time wisely on finding problems your audience want to solve.
3️⃣. Break down the solution into easy steps.
Every problem has a solution.
And every solution can be broken down into bite-sizes so it can easily be consumed, understood and implemented by your audience.
Take for example this post over here!
Share content where you are sharing solutions to your clients
Most people often think, if I give away the solution for free, why will people buy my paid offers?
That’s the wrong mindset there.
The more you give, the more you receive.
People will see and read your content and find some value in it. They will get curious about you and want to know more about you and what you do.
That’s how you get noticed and seen and position yourself as an authority figure.
Through your content, you’ll be building relationships and trust with your audience and they will want to work with you.
4️⃣. Create Your Lead Magnet
Once I found a MAJOR problem that most of my ideal clients are struggling with, I worked on creating a lead magnet that has the solution to that problem.
Keep in mind that your lead magnet should be valuable and in alignment to your ideal audience needs.
For example, before planning for the Build Your Tribe Challenge, I found out that most of my audience were struggling with growing their own email list and networks of ideal target audience.
So I decided to create a Build Your Tribe Mini Content Series.
I was breaking down each steps in a 5 posts each day and sharing inside communities and my email list.
Through this content series, I saw a HUGE response and people getting great value from this topic.
I realised this topic needs more attention and that my audience needed further help and guidance in this topic.
I eventually turned my 5-day content series into a FREE 5-Day Challenge as my lead magnet.
I created a simple funnel in and shared the funnel EVERYWHERE I was allowed to share!
The result?
Over 200+ signed up and $300+ extra income before launching my main offer!
5️⃣. Launched a Low-Ticket Offer
I created my brand new Paid Membership at Skool to further help my audience build their own communities of people who love them, trust them and keep buying from them over and over again.
I pitched my Membership on Day 3 of my 5-Day Challenge.
Each day of my challenge, especially the first 3 days, I focused on overdelivering and making sure my audience were getting insane value and implementing what I was teaching them.
I achieved this by giving them homeworks each day and keeping an engaged community where they can share the homeworks, get feedback, network with other participants and ask questions!
Thanks to Skool and its genius way of getting people to interact with one another to unlock levels.🤩
My FREE community where I was hosting the Challenge on was super engaged and active!
By the time I shared my offer, I got my first 6 signups within the first week of launch! 🥳
I would recommend running LIVE workshops/challenges for anyone here who wants to build their own networks and sell their offers without using pushy and sleazy methods.
However, I do understand that running challenges can get quite overwhelming for beginners.
My recommendation will be to create simple lead magnet where you clearly offering steps to achieve a solution to a known problem.
If the lead magnet generates great response, you can turn it into a LIVE challenge!
Just like I did!
Tip: Just look at this post, if I want I could turn this post into a lead magnet, either a ebook, a mini-course or a 5-Day Challenge!
Hope you found this post valuable!
If you have more questions, do let me know!
Mizbah Rauf
How I Launch My FREE 5-Day Challenge on Skool!🚀🚀🚀
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