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Owned by Mizbah

Build Your Tribe Community

Private • 137 • Free

Learn to create and sell offers and build your own community of people who trust you and love to keep paying you to be a part of your community!

Growth Star Academy

Private • 8 • $49/m

Let's make selling your offers and creating generational impact + recurring revenue fun and happening! Join to get support & proven strategies.


Skool Community

Public • 133.8k • Paid

The Skool Games

Private • 17.2k • Free

5 Day Group Launch Challenge

Private • 462 • Free

Skool OS™ [Lite]

Private • 1k • Free

Rich Not Famous (Free)

Private • 123 • Free

Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private • 69.1k • Free

Grow With Evelyn

Private • 2.6k • $59/m

52 contributions to Skool Community
How my LIVE challenge helped me pay for Skool!🚀🚀
I discovered Skool a few days before I ran my LIVE Challenge. I was supposed to host it on Facebook. But I was so impressed with Skool that I decided to move my Challenge last minute at Skool! Skool offered 14-day free trial, which helped me first create my FREE community and prepare before my challenge starts. I started accepting people into my community when I was getting closer to the Challenge start dates. I then created my paid community and got another 14-day trial to prepare the community to welcome my new paid members. My Challenge Strategy and funnel was so simple anyone can create it 🚀 I had a simple 4 page funnel. 1️⃣. Squeeze Page : This is where people sign up for the Challenge. Over 200 people registered. 2️⃣. Sales Page : I offered life-time access to my challenge content and resources for $10. 3️⃣. Order page: This is where people paid for the lifetime access. 4️⃣. Thank You Page: I gave them access to my Free Skool Community where the challenge was happening and also gave the link to my chatbot which was going to notify members when the challenge trainings starts. About 10% got the lifetime access. This gave me access to funds to pay for both of my Skool communities. Without me having to remove from my pocket! When I ran my LIVE Challenge and shared about my paid membership, I got my first 2 paid members and more 4 members during the first week of my paid membership launch. So if you want to build your own community on Skool but the price is holding you back, Get your creative juices flowing and think of a way that will pay Just like I did! Look at what others are doing, don’t be shy, ask here if you need help brainstorming sim great ideas on how to get funds to pay for your Skool community. I have seen some genius ideas being shared around here! All the best!👍
New comment 10h ago
How I Launch My FREE 5-Day Challenge on Skool!🚀🚀🚀
Few weeks ago, I ran my 5-Day Build Your Tribe Challenge here at Skool. (First time!) Was I nervous? Hell yah! Only a few days were left for my 5-Day Challenge to start and I decided to move everything to Skool!👀 But I don’t regret!🙌 It was a great experience and so much fun and exciting doing it in Skool than on Facebook (where I was planning to do!) Oh and it was definitely an impactful and profitable challenge!🤩🤯🔥 Here’s how I came up with my 5-day challenge idea and ran the challenge on Skool! (And how you can do it too!) 1️⃣Join communities where your ideal clients are. I mostly work with beginners who want to leverage organic marketing strategies to build their own audience and sell their offers with ease and confidence. I joined 2-3 communities on Facebook and Skool where my ideal audience are in and interacted with members inside daily. 2️⃣. Pick a problem your ideal audience are struggling with. I spend my time observing the groups and communities I was in and looking for questions members were asking the most. Groups are created to provide help and support. So if you were looking for answers and solutions, you would ask in this groups hoping to get someone’s help! A lot of people miss this step. Instead of looking for a problem worth solving, a problem your ideal audience have and are actively looking for solutions, they’re creating and marketing random freebies and plrs which have nothing in common with their audience in hopes of gaining a lead. Some people are plain lazy. They know what they should be doing, but they keep making excuses and complaining that it doesn’t work when they never tried doing something in the first place. Don’t be like that. Spend your time wisely on finding problems your audience want to solve. 3️⃣. Break down the solution into easy steps. Every problem has a solution. And every solution can be broken down into bite-sizes so it can easily be consumed, understood and implemented by your audience. Take for example this post over here!
New comment 4d ago
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@Sam Morrison Wilson Thank Sam! Are challenges something you're looking forward to launch?
1 like • 4d
@Sam Morrison Wilson That's awesome! What is it about? I am doing a workshop this month as well, just finalising the date and time. :)
Loom recap for august ✅ 135 Videos Created (Free value and training videos) ✅ 443 Views (Most are single view videos for clients) I also recently hit 3,000 loom videos recorded. It would be more but I use to delete them when I was broke on the free loom plan years ago. Not to long ago I was on @Evelyn Weiss podcast talking about putting the work in below I've filmed 2,000+ website video reviews giving value for free. This turned into 600+ clients. Last year every time I made a 10 minute loom video doing a review I made $3,150 Here is the breakdown ✅ 10 x Video Reviews Sent ✅ 3 x Customers from free video audit ✅ Total Generated from 10 video reviews $31,500 We did a lot more video reviews then 10 also. What free value do you give your potential clients/customers? Let me know in the comments.
New comment 4d ago
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BOOM!!!👏👏 I record Loom videos for my paid community members! It's so valuable!!
How I Accidentally Made $4,300 With A Neglected Free Skool Group
I have a free group that's just for people who bought my book and some other courses. I don't do anything to nurture the group except for popping in to answer questions when I can. When the ability to sell a one-time course came out, I added a paid course to my Skool group. It got some sales. Then I spoke with @Sam Ovens and he showed me how to do something painfully obvious. (I didn't realize we could do this.) I implemented it in about 30 seconds and it made around $1,000 last week with zero promotion. This video shows what I did. TLDR: Free Group + Paid Course = Awesome. Yay!
New comment 4d ago
How I Accidentally Made $4,300 With A Neglected Free Skool Group
0 likes • 5d
How do you come up with your membership pricing? Spill the beans...🔥🔥🔥
New comment 7d ago
1 like • 8d
@Sarah Hankins Great tips!!! Thanks for sharing Sarah!
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Mizbah Rauf
183points to level up
I help beginners create, launch and sell out your offers FAST using organic marketing strategies. Join my FREE community to maximise your revenue!

Active 10h ago
Joined Jul 18, 2024
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