Go see Inside Out 2!
We saw inside out two this weekend and I can't recommend it highly enough! It beautifully shows that even though we've been taught to chase feeling "happy" and "good" ONLY, the whole self is only possible when embracing all our anxiety, anger, malaise, embarrassment, disgust, fear AND joy.
It was so affirming for me to see this beautifully described in the movie, and I will be framing a picture of the characters to keep near me and remind me in mornings like today when I woke up with a heavy pit of dread in my stomach, my first impulse was to make it feel "better" but then I realized that it is grief that is valid about some things that are going on right now and so I gently gathered it up in my arms and rocked it gently and let it know that it can stay as long as it wants. (The nervous system loves the rocking movement)
Unresolved / unacknowledged fear can hold us back in so many ways, in life, in business, and in relationships.
Let me know if you see it and what you think!
Gazit Chaya - Z Nkosi they - them
Go see Inside Out 2!
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