19d ago in Strategy
Daily Routine for Skool Owners
When I started my Skool I had no idea how I should be spending my time.
What tasks should I do? Where should I focus?
So many things to do, but not enough time in the day. It felt overwhelming.
But after consuming a lot of Hormozi content I started to develop a daily routine that helped me grow my group to 12,300 members and do a launch that generated $120,000 in 10 days and a consistent $10,000/month in Skool affiliate revenue.
→ Part 1: The 3 Hour Rule ←
Spend the first 3 work hours of your day on generating traffic.
Your time is valuable. If you spend it on the wrong things, it doesn’t matter how hard you work. Block the first 3hrs of your day to the one thing guaranteed to grow your business: letting people know about your group.
→ Part 2: The 5-9 Rule (For those that have a 9 - 5 job)←
If you have a 9-5 job, follow “The 5-9 Rule"
  • Work 5am - 9am on getting traffic, before your job starts
  • Work 5pm - 9pm on getting traffic, after your job finishes
→ Part 3: The Rule of 100 ←
If you don’t know how to increase traffic, follow “The Rule of 100”
  1. Ads: $100 per day
  2. Outreach: 100 per day
  3. Content: 100 mins creating per day
  4. Engagement: 100 comments per day
And only pick 1 traffic source. "7 figures is just one avatar, one product, one channel" - Hormozi
→ Part 4: Calls and Customers ←
Priority 1: Group Management and Customer Success
The best way to grow a business is by never losing a customer. If you add 100 new customers a month but lose 99 of them, it will take forever to grow. But if you grow by 10 customers a month, and keep all of them, you will grow 10x faster.
That’s why you need to do Customer Success. This applies to a free group and a paid group. Think posts, courses, comments, calls
Pro tip - if you treat free members like paying members they'll become paying members.
Priority 2: Sales Calls
The most powerful metric for business success is the number of Sales Calls booked. Open your calendar to Sales Calls outside of the first 3hrs.
  1. The 3 Hour Rule: Spend the first 3 work hours of your day on generating traffic.
  2. The 5-9 Rule: If you have a 9-5 job, wake up early or work late on generating traffic
  3. The Rule of 100: Do 100 actions daily on traffic
  4. Calls and Customers: Spend the rest of your time on sales calls and customer success
ACTION STEP: Add this routine into your calendar, then screenshot it and comment it below! It'll help lots of people out :)
(P.S. You will make probably make more money if you work weekends. That's why I'm posting this on a Saturday. Anyone else working this weekend?)
Andrew Kirby
Daily Routine for Skool Owners
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