Seem to have tried every tip/strategy and not getting any traction at all.
I'm currently putting content/posts on TikTok, Linkedin, Reddit, FB, and majority of the time, all I get is broke people interested, with no money to invest.
I've got 55 members, but most I brought in for free in the early days, as they had already bought my coaching program. I have 8-9 on subscription at $97/month, and been trying the subscription model since Nov 23.
What I have found as someone who has done the thing I teach for many years, then started teaching it 4 years ago. I'm 56 years old, I'm OK at sales, marketing, copy, content, online stuff. But from where I'm standing, it's all the younger people who grew up online and have a natural talent at making money online.
I'm not far off telling my community I'm closing it down. Not feeling it at all anymore.