Anyone Struggling To Get Paid Members Like Me?
Seem to have tried every tip/strategy and not getting any traction at all.
I'm currently putting content/posts on TikTok, Linkedin, Reddit, FB, and majority of the time, all I get is broke people interested, with no money to invest.
I've got 55 members, but most I brought in for free in the early days, as they had already bought my coaching program. I have 8-9 on subscription at $97/month, and been trying the subscription model since Nov 23.
What I have found as someone who has done the thing I teach for many years, then started teaching it 4 years ago. I'm 56 years old, I'm OK at sales, marketing, copy, content, online stuff. But from where I'm standing, it's all the younger people who grew up online and have a natural talent at making money online.
I'm not far off telling my community I'm closing it down. Not feeling it at all anymore.
Thank you for posting this. A lot of people like posting wins, but these "struggle" posts are also super important IMO.
What was the main reason you started the community?
As someone who has provided an enormous amount of value to my community for free over many years, and working hard to help them every way I can, it comes down to multiple factors. I'll lay some of them out for you:
  1. It's important you're doing this because you love it and you want to provide enormous value to people. If not, people will sniff you out a mile away.
  2. What do you do better than other players in your industry? How can you offer something special and unique that no one else does? What do you do differently? What makes you stand out? People are overwhelmed with information and offers. Most are stressed out and confused and don't know what's up or down anymore. They're lost. How can you help them to right their ship? Get them back on track? Why would they give you their hard earned money?
  3. Have you dialled in your target audience? The people who see you, feel you, trust you and want to hang out with you because you're awesome and you add value to their world. The people who benefit the most from what you have to offer?
  4. Building a trusted brand and authority online takes time and consistent and persistent effort. And the fact that there's so much noise (and deception) in the market place no matter what industry you're in means people are highly, highly sceptical of anyone and everyone. It's a lot harder to earn their trust these days. You have to be willing to put in some serious sweat equity, particularly in the beginning.
Engagement is key and that's not easy because most people are more likely to check Facebook before checking in here.
I have a small email list who love me and the free stuff I send them. I'm slowly bringing them across to my Skool community and I'm only charging $10 for my community and offering tonnes of value with live breakthrough sessions with me and challenges each month.
It's hard work, but if it's paying for itself, it will be worth it in the long run.
I have seen other people say that posting in the Skool community itself can also help you to build your audience.
I would suggest reading all the posts people have put up about how they built their audience and watching all the training by Alex Hormozi.
All you need is a bit of momentum.
Maybe run some sort of 3-5 day challenge and do a launch on multiple social media platforms to gain interest.
Remember to play the long game. All entrepreneurship is a game of resilience, persistence and tenacity.
Most of all, don't lose hope and don't give up. Be determined to find a way to make it work.
I hope this helps.
• Jul '24
thanks for the feedback, some good things to think about here
you're welcome. I hope it is constructive and helps you build your audience.
• Jul '24
Hi , you've already received some good and solution-oriented tips in the comments.
If you link the talent to make money online to age, you're limiting yourself. Such a belief prevents you from recognizing important opportunities.
For you and your case, I can definitely see a “technical weakness” in your offer and maybe fixing this flaw is all it takes to be more successful:
Your own statement is “all I get is broke people interested, with no money to invest”
This usually happens when you don't integrate a clear qualifier into your offer or funnel.
The simplest form of a qualifier is to emphasize clearly:
- Who this offer is for
- Who this offer is NOT for
Of course, this can be made much more sophisticated.
It starts with possible lead magnets: If you offer something here that gives the feeling of already having at least part of the solution in your hand, you will automatically attract a higher proportion of “freebie seekers”.
A lead magnet such as “What are the advantages of a used sailing yacht or should I rather buy a new one - the ten most important decision criteria!” is guaranteed to attract a very small percentage of broke people. Of course, this is just a thought pattern and you would need to formulate it for your specific offer.
Hope this helps, Matt. I wish you a real boost over the next few weeks. When you look back at your posts in three months, you should be able to think, “Damn, how quickly things can change!”
• Jul '24
Thanks for the feedback. Certainly lots to think about. The hard part is implementing and positioning the offer correctly. I'm in the biz op "money making" niche, so very tough nut to crack.
• Jul '24
You're right, Matt - and it's well worth it.
• Jul '24
I think here in Skool are 3 categories of people that make money.
  1. People who teach how to run a community
  2. People with big social media following
  3. People who migrated their already members from teachable or kajabi
Everyone else who doesn’t fit in the category, struggles.
I wonder how many of the Skool Games Winners don’t actually fit in one of the categories? Probably none.
Maybe i sound pessimistic now, but if you have small social media following, you will Have very hard time.
As for me, I struggle here hardcore. But I’m not gonna cancel my membership yet for 2 reasons:
  • I’ve sold couple courses, so membership fee is paid.
  • I’m at the point where I want to prove myself that I’ll figure it out. Even if I have to pivot.
Some good for thought: as long as you membership is paid by some members subscription - to keep it running doesn’t hurt.
Post as frequently as possible. Eventually an idea will come to either break thru or pivot.
Anyways, I know what you’re talking about.
• Jul '24
thanks for feedback. I see you have 178 members at $49/month.
• Jul '24
yeah, 178 free members. And 0 entered at the price $49 yet.
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• Jul '24
How much time have you been creating content? Be patient and correct, look at Skool, 2019 starts and it was this year that there was a BOOM...
• Jul '24
I do daily content, or provide the bonuses as part of what people get in my community
• Jul '24
PLUS just recently, Skool was still bleeding $700,000 a MONTH!!!
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• Jul '24
Marcin was right when he asked why you started this gig?
Because your passion is what carries you through this sort of slump, which happens to all of us on a fairly regular basis… the mindfuckery that happens as an entrepreneur is no joke.
I haven’t watched all your videos yet… are you marketing to people that want to start out doing this (may have less money to invest) or to peeps that have been doing it and want to make more than they do?
Because if you can help those already in this niche that are feeling overwhelmed get more organized and make more money that may be where you find people with the funds to do so.
I’m reminded of who helps resell shop owners fix their issues and her offer costs as much as yours does, she has figured out how to word and run successful ads to her page and have conversions.
It may just be that your about page needs reworked a bit to talk to the future version of themselves the client desires and what the benefits are, and speaking directly to the pain points they won’t have to deal with as much if they work with you compared to going at it on their own.
The tools list is great, but that cause cause the whole it’s too much work I can’t do it or I don’t have time for it from people that you can actually help greatly.
If you haven’t laser focused you ideal client with financial qualifiers before doing your copy and creatives it can be too broad and muddy the water which then leads to confusion or overwhelm or only getting peeps that don’t want to spend the money which sucks all around.
• Jul '24
You want the person coming to your page to identify with, and see the future version of themselves and it’s benefits plus believe it’s doable without the overwhelm etc by working with you
• Jul '24
Thanks for the feedback. I'm mainly marketing to people who are looking for a side income. So very broad I know. I'm in the biz op money making space, so very competitive. I have tried other audiences to target, like over 50's/retired people looking for a simple extra income op. Also tried struggling ecom/amazon sellers who want to try something else. At the end of the day it's an extra income opportunity, so really broad and for anyone looking to create a new income stream.
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• Jul '24
People already gave decent tips here in the comments. The main is the offer & sales messaging.
Here's a valuable document about niche, messaging, offer that we usually implement when building/ growing communities:
Hope it helps. Put it together initially for a masterclass for our internal team to follow.
• Jul '24
there are many things that can be done. We all get the "broke" people who do not want to do anything. I am 52 year old and have made money online and 1000's of us have too through Digital Marketing Products with MRR (Master Resell Rights).
I'm sharing this to help you see that people of all ages including us older people are also making money online.
For me, it might just be like you are old school like me and you just need to process with someone to get more clarity. I'm a certified coach and double certified lay counselor so I'm happy to process with you because i know that always helps me a ton if I am doing it with someone who can understand the bigger picture.
• Jul '24
You may also be spread too think trying to be omnipresent vs FULLY present so an business social media audit would be insanely helpful too.
The good news is that unless you are truly ready to give up, there are soooo many ways for you to have the success you seek.
• Jul '24
I have been struggling only because My ADHD tends to hyper focus on things being perfect instead of doing things in parts. I've decided to build out and grow through my network then begin the monetization process. I'm trying to learn how to use the skool platform so that I can help others.
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Matt Goldberg
Anyone Struggling To Get Paid Members Like Me?
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