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Monthly CFD Meeting is happening in 19 days
My First UDF.
User Defined Functions (UDFs) are amazing when it comes to defining motion to a boundary or setting complex boundary conditions or material properties. 💡 Coded in C language, UDFs give engineers the flexibility to add more complexity to the problems they are solving. 🔧 I wrote a UDF for a simple case of 2D airfoil simulation to get my hands dirty in the UDF domain of ANSYS Fluent. The UDF rotates the airfoil periodically by +/- 20 degrees, thus periodically varying its angle of attack. ✈️ Watch how the lift and drag forces vary with the motion of the airfoil in the video below. 📽️
New comment Aug 4
My First UDF.
Coded the solution for 1D General scalar transport equation with zero source term
Hi Connections! This post represents the solution for 1D steady general scalar transport equation with zero source term. The basing differencing scheme was employed to solve the equation and the code was developed on Matlab with the help of Sir Tanmay Agrawals video series: Key understandings from this lecture: 1. Solving PDE with convection and diffusion terms. 2. Importance of Peclet number. 3. Central differencing scheme. 4. Writing the code on Matlab 5. Plotting capabilities on Matlab.
New comment Jun 1
Coded the solution for 1D General scalar transport equation with zero source term
Solved unsteady 2d heat conduction eqn using MATLAB
Hello community. With the help of Tanmay Agrawals YouTube series: I was able to write the MATALB code to solve the unsteady 2d heat conduction equation with no heat generation. With the help of the code I saved the figures as frames and used clip champ to create the animation and uploaded it on youtube. It was a fun project and I am looking forward to learn more from this channel.
New comment May 13
Solved unsteady 2d heat conduction eqn using MATLAB
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