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Monthly CFD Meeting is happening in 19 days
Modeling Porosity in Fluent
Hello everyone, I need help with a question. I want to define a porosity distribution function in my Fluent domain. This function can be any function, I just want to see how it would behave in my case using a non-constant porosity. I tried to implement a UDF to do this, but I couldn't do it, the porosity remained constant, I asked to print the value in the console (I'm new to UDF, I tried to follow the tutorial on porosity profile). Can someone help me with this?
Use of multiple domains simulations in CFD?
Hello everyone, Currently doing the T-Flows crash course (available for free in the classroom section), I really recommend it for those who are starting their learning journey in CFD, it will introduce to a variety of important CFD topics. And now I am in the session where we work on a multi domain simulation as we work on a conjugate heat transfer parallel plate benchmark problem where the plate in the top is a gas, the one in the middle is a solid, and the one in the bottom is also a gas. And basically in this problem, we view how the heat is transferred from one gas to the solid plate to the other gas. And this case made me curious about when should we have the geometry for our cfd cases divided into multiple domains. I tried to Google it and search on YouTube but couldn't find anything. But my guess is that multi domain simulation come in handy when: 1.we are working with multiple fluids or multiphase flows. 2.fluids interacting with solids It would be helpful if somebody can inform me on this topic or refer me to some resources.
New comment 25d ago
does this classify as numerical diffusion?
Hello everyone, the attached picture that you can see here is the visualization of temperature in the conjugate heat transfer parallel plates and membrane based benchmark problem that you can find in the T-FLOWS crash course. I just need help identifying if: 1. in the circle in red, the light blue or kind of white colors represent numerical diffusion? 2. in the black circle, the white here represents physical diffusion?
New comment Aug 11
does this classify as numerical diffusion?
Reverse flow and Turbulent Viscosity Issue in Ansys Fluent
Hello everyone, I am currently facing an issue in Ansys Fluent while working on a reactor simulation. After running my simulation, I encountered the following messages in my residual transcript: DPM Iteration .... temperature limited to 1.000000e+00 in 8 cells on zone 10 in domain 1 number tracked = 40, escaped = 17, trapped = 23 turbulent viscosity limited to viscosity ratio of 1.000000e+05 in 457 cells 20 6.2527e+01 2.7448e-03 2.9115e-03 3.7521e-03 5.6725e-03 3.2007e-02 1.4097e-01 4.4115e-04 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00 9.1858e-04 9.1858e-04 3:13:26 9990 reversed flow in 14 faces on outflow 14. temperature limited to 1.000000e+00 in 18 cells on zone 10 in domain 1 I initially performed a simulation with a gas velocity of 6 m/s, and the results were fine. However, after changing the velocity to 1 m/s, I encountered the above issues. Does anyone know how to address these problems? You can find the transcript attached to this query
New comment Jul 24
LaplacianFoam solver in openFoam
Dear community, I hope you are doing good, I am simulating the the conduction heat transfer in borosilicate glass plate , where a thin film of gold Nanoparticles are deposited on surface and irradiated by laser , the generated heat was already calculated using Mie theory , I would like to use laplacianFoam solver to simulate the conduction in the solid plate , unfortunately this solver don't support the convection condition, How can I adjust this solver to make it support the convection boundary condition? Or, What you suggest as solver for this problem? Best
New comment Jul 12
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