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Want a big back?
I remember when i first started working out. I took progress pictures after the first week of training I was happy with the progress But always knew that I wasn't gaining what I wanted And after that I lost lots of weight There was zero muscle on my back That's until I started to bulk and gain muscle This is the back routine I used to build my back Watch here Work hard Get Hard
Want a big back?
Make the gym a game
When I was younger I loved video games I would wake up and play games on my Xbox 360 until my dad woke up and told me to go outside And when I was on holidays I came up with an idea The gym is like a video game Like progressing in a video game, you can treat the gym this too The vid is below Work hard get Hard
Make the gym a game
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Is there any questions you guys want answered. Let me know!
Why Your Workouts Suck
I was in the gym yesterday hitting chest i was doing pec deck flies i recorded this set and was really happy with the form i squeezed my elbows together at the perfect time and descended at a really slow speed But.. That got me wondering. When i first started i wasn't great at any exercise I ego Lifted and rushed through every set in my workout i didnt have a clue how to workout to build muscle. My workouts were usless and just taking up time. This might be you. This video below will help you get your workouts to be the best Work Hard get Hard
Why Your Workouts Suck
Worst mistakes u can make
2 years ago I was at an all-time low I was 17 and weighing 60 kg I made so many mistakes These mistakes kept me back a lot and I didn't really build any muscle for months And with that I would only put on like 1kg of muscle I want yous to avoid this! Starting doing the easy things Eat more Train hard And rest properly And remember work hard, get hard
Worst mistakes u can make
1-10 of 10
The Ins and Outs On How To Bulk Up As A Skinny Guy!
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