How Long Can YOU Hold Your Breath? (Leaderboards Explained)
Hi there, Polar Bears. How's it chillin'?
One of the nifty features of Skool is the leaderboard.
You can find it in the top navigation bar of the 7-Day Breath Hold Challenge page (see image).
For the biologists and animal lovers among us, you'll understand the animals linked to each level.
That's right - the order is based on how long each animal can hold their breath under water.
Now, how do you go from a polar bear to a sea turtle?
The answer is: sharing & posting quality stuff!
Every single time someone likes your post, you get a point.
Each level requires a certain amount of points to level up.
(click the question mark under your profile picture to see the exact amount)
New levels also mean new features!
For instance, when you become a Sea Otter, you can message each other
(this is mostly to keep those spammy Polar Bears from sending unsolicited ads)
If you level up to a Dugong, you can migrate to the Discovery Masterclass, and of course, when you reach the Dolphin level, you can learn how to train Superhuman Lungs.
We are still playing around with the rewards for the other levels, as well as winning the weekly/monthly leaderboards.
Rewards may be subject to change.
The goal of this community that we help each other.
So be kind, and give your fellow polar bear a like when you can.
We'll be a bale of sea turtles soon enough.
So, are you ready to level up?
ACTION: Post your current level (and feel free to come back every time you reach a new level).
Complete action
Stig Severinsen
How Long Can YOU Hold Your Breath? (Leaderboards Explained)
7-Day Breath Hold Challenge
Challenge yourself against the most powerful reflex in life: BREATHING. Gain control over your breath, gain control over life. Beat stress & anxiety!
Leaderboard (30-day)
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