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New comment May 20
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New comment May 20
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Theme: Through building and breaking habits using a systematic approach, you can make a huge impact on your life. Summary & Key points: Atomic Habits highlights the importance of building positive habits and breaking negative habits. Some important points I took away: - Implementing habits is a way to increase productivity, while decreasing brain power and energy required. - Small, incremental habits compound over time, leading to remarkable results. - Optimize your environment to make good habits easier and bad habits more difficult. - Implement effective habit cues that trigger desired habits. - To start a habit: make it Obvious, Attractive, Easy, and Satisfying. - To break a habit: make it Invisible, Unattractive, Hard, and Unsatisfying. Why I recommend it: Since we all know that consistency compounds, I really liked that this book provides a way to build habit stacks, so you can do more things you want to get done without making any drastic changes. I would rate it 4/5, everyone should read if they haven't already.
New comment May 20
Atomic Habits by James Clear
Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
Summary: Unleashing the power of your subconscious mind to achieve your goals, improve your self image, and developing the habit of happiness. It describes practical and effective techniques such as visualization, mental rehearsal, and relaxation to help achieve and set forth a clear path to our unique endeavors. Why I Recommend it: I find this book very insightful and valuable to me because of the useful techniques and the fact that I will definitely go back to the book when going through challenges, obstacles, setting new goals, and re-inventing myself. Highly recommend to anyone who wants to change their mind. 5/5
New comment May 20
Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz
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